Dimension Strings
When I dimension across the interior of a Sketchup floor plan view in in Layout, the dimension command puts extension lines on top of the edges of the walls. I use a grey color for my dimension strings so that they appear lighter than the rest of the linework. So what happens is you see the extension lines sitting on top of the Sketchup wall edge. In a normal 2-D drafting program you would just continue the string over the walls and add the ticks with no extension lines. Of course, if you were to dimension the exterior of the floor plan you would need to have the extension lines show. Is there a way to set the dimension string automatically so that the extension lines don't show up? I know that I can go into each string and manually change the length of each extension line to 0 so that they disappear. Just wanted to know if there was an easier way?
Can you set the extension to 0 before you draw the first dimension? Or, if you can't edit that setting with the dimension tool selected, try this:
Draw your first dimension, then edit the line styles to be exactly what you want.
Select the dimension tool again, but before drawing, push the "s" key, to select the sample tool. Click with the sample tool on the dimension you have already formatted, and it should switch back to the dimension tool. Now the dimensions you draw should have the same line styles as the one you formatted.
Does this do what you're trying to do?
Good point. And if you want to come up with a couple of dimension styles you use, I'd put them on a scrapbook, then start to draw your dimension, hit "s", and sample the scrapbook style you want and complete drawing your dimension.
Can you sample a scrapbook style, without pulling the object onto the active LayOut page?
Answer: I just tried it, and, yes, it works! (I'll just leave this note here, for the benefit of someone who hasn't already learned this.)