Base camp 2012
Hi there,
I'd like to reassure John and everybody about the fact that we did not land in jail finally. I got back home here in Italy yesterday and everything was fine. My brother Alessandro and me...we are fine and safe, each one in his own home here!
Most of all I'd like to thank you all for the great moments in Boulder, not only the professional moments but also the fun time that we had there. I'm really happy to have met people like you and I look forward to meet you at the next Google Basecamp wherever it will be held.
Really a great time!
It was a lot of fun. to the Italian boys. . .Alessandro. . sorry for putting you on the spot by having you talk to my daughter in Italian. She got a kick out of it, but she was like you. . .a bit put on the spot. Yeah. ..I was a bit of a dork. (her words!) But She got my basecamp t-shirt!
Anyway, thanks for indulging me.
Great Base camp. A day longer would've been nice.
I felt like this Basecamp was much better for networking, while 2008 was better for gaining new tips and information. I definitely wouldn't change anything about the networking/social opportunities, but I would have liked to see the unconference sessions extended into Day 3. Day 3 ended far too early and there were many sessions on Day 2 that I would have liked to attend had there been more time slots available. I agree that the unconference topics should have been brainstormed on the first day after the keynote, with the option to add a few more the next morning if a conversation at the first evening's get-together sparked a new idea.
At other software conferences which I have attended, there are "Replay" sessions the last day.
At the end of the next to the last day, attendees are asked to pick a session or two they missed or they thought highly enough of to recommned to others. From these the "Replays" were done on the last day.
The final session about talking about SU 9 was initially slated to be a recap of all the sessions. But they felt there was little interest in that, so they changed it.
@unknownuser said:
I felt like this Basecamp was much better for networking, while 2008 was better for gaining new tips and information. I definitely wouldn't change anything about the networking/social opportunities, but I would have liked to see the unconference sessions extended into Day 3. Day 3 ended far too early and there were many sessions on Day 2 that I would have liked to attend had there been more time slots available. I agree that the unconference topics should have been brainstormed on the first day after the keynote, with the option to add a few more the next morning if a conversation at the first evening's get-together sparked a new idea.
I have to agree with you!
In one word: great!
An excellent opportunity to see and meet the people behind the avatars and names.
The unconference could indeed be organised a bit more (like indeed making the topics the day before)
It was very frustrating to not be able to attend some sessions which I wanted to attend!But, Boulder was great (except for the 2 oclock closing hour), met a lot of fine people and had a lot of very good laughs.
Glad that 1/2 of Augmented Reality did not end up in jail (you should have let your brother drive) and that Guiseppes' backpack was very popular!
Great time at the bar next to the hotel where the waitresses were nice and friendly, the food was good and the company was excellent.
Glad the conversations were not 100% of the time about Google SketchupHope to see you all soon again (on basecamp euro?!-->Gaieus?)
Pout aka Reinhart
from what I read it was a real camp: great to meet friends, make new ones, drink beer and chat away. but nothing like 2008 in terms of real exchange of knowledge. I must say I learned a lot from the videos posted after the 2008 camp. nothing similar seems to be in the horizon.
I had an e-mail from Tricia yesterday. She said she has ash on her desk and the air quality is terrible but she recognized that it's nothing compared to what a lot of folks are dealing with in the area of the fire. I hope they can get it put out soon.
it really aint that far from Boulder City it seems, 6-7 miles.
I hope everyone is ok. -
when i heard about the wildfires. . my first thought. . .geez. . .I hope it was nothing we did!
Yes, there are really great places around there! We enjoyed the trip to the Rockies very much. Chris, I'm sorry that you could not come with us! But you're still closer to Boulder than us and maybe
Pout!! aka Reinhart!
This account is used by at least three people in my company, and Alessandro is not among them. By the way I've got him to read your post. He wanted to let you know that not only he received the compliments for his charm from the policegirl who stopped us, but she also gave him her contact details....maybe she wanted to be invited for a drink...if only I was in his place!!
Alessandro also thanks you, Dave_H, for being put on the spot. I hope you appreciated his good manners!
Regarding the future editions of the Basecamp, it would be great to have a European edition. The community and the SketchUp team should try to consider this possibility. I also agree that a better scheduling of the unconference sessions would benefit all the attendees, as much as a day longer would.
My wife and I were staying up 4 Mile Canyon at Boulder Mountain Lodge. It was a beautiful setting, with a long history. I have been trying to find out if it was affected by the fire, but no luck so far. WE are really saddened, as they were wonderful folks who ran the lodge.
@unknownuser said:
Pout!! aka Reinhart!
This account is used by at least three people in my company, and Alessandro is not among them. By the way I've got him to read your post. He wanted to let you know that not only he received the compliments for his charm from the policegirl who stopped us, but she also gave him her contact details....maybe she wanted to be invited for a drink...if only I was in his place!!
Say 'hey' to Alessandro and Grazione from me! Italians and their charm! I bet he told you guys back there he was pulled over because he's good looking
So if I understand correct, if that other policegirl was not there, the alcohol test would have been of a completely different nature?
He indeed got the contact details... never saw that before... must have had a true connection there (Is he sure the details are from police girl nr1 and not police girl nr 2, if so, burn the card quickly, it probably has some tracking device in it)
Can you tell them i will contact them soon?
Ciao! -
it was wonderful!!!
It was an amazing experience and for me it was breathtaking meeting all that great people in person!
indeed a little more preparation would be useful.
I hope somebody will take the initiative to gather all the videos that were taken in one forum or youtube channel.I propose making the 2012 basecamp in the Ionian Islands. (if you do that, I'll take you sailing for free)
I had a great time.
I am mostly grateful for the folks at Google that made us feel welcome. For the many people that I met (from this forum and all over) and the oportunity to learn from them, not only about our favorite tool, but also about what they do and other non SU topics.
I agree with the opinions already expressed about the un-conference format. My experience was similar to others in that most of the topics were of interest to me, so it was just so hard to decide which session to attend, so more time to spread the topics over 2 days would be better.
Two things completely blew me away: 1. Meeting Steve Oles and seeing him use SU, how great is that! 2.Learning how new and exciting 3rd party applications are being developed for SU (Augmented Reality, 3D Printing, Energy Analysis, 3D Rendering, etc) was refreshing because it means SU will be more than a GE modeler for years to come.
@dale said:
My wife and I were staying up 4 Mile Canyon at Boulder Mountain Lodge. It was a beautiful setting, with a long history. I have been trying to find out if it was affected by the fire, but no luck so far. WE are really saddened, as they were wonderful folks who ran the lodge.
I was in just north of there on Monday, in Lefthand Canyon, and ash was coming down from the sky like light snow.
I believe Fourmile is on the other side of the ridge in this photo, that I took from Route 36 that afternoon.
Thanks for that photo Lewis. I hope they get it put out soon.