Some interior - IKEA style
Wow! Those last few are very nice! They are simple and very clean. Keep them coming.
These images are really stunning. Very good, congratulations!
I noticed that V-Ray can produce image quality truly superior, should i decide to learn it.
A stupid question: How long did it take you to learn to use in this way V-Ray?Ivan
Nice renders
Thx for yours comments!!! im happy you liked
@ivanscotti said:
These images are really stunning. Very good, congratulations!
I noticed that V-Ray can produce image quality truly superior, should i decide to learn it.
A stupid question: How long did it take you to learn to use in this way V-Ray?
IvanHmmm... something about 1 Year... but I learn all myself... if you want to start you must download a manual from asgvis and watch all clips on youtube from andyciuala... andyciuala have the best tutorials for v-ray and sketchup...
@slimaczysko said:
Thx for yours comments!!! im happy you liked
@ivanscotti said:
These images are really stunning. Very good, congratulations!
I noticed that V-Ray can produce image quality truly superior, should i decide to learn it.
A stupid question: How long did it take you to learn to use in this way V-Ray?
IvanHmmm... something about 1 Year... but I learn all myself... if you want to start you must download a manual from asgvis and watch all clips on youtube from andyciuala... andyciuala have the best tutorials for v-ray and sketchup...
Thanks a lot for the information, i went now to see the video on youtube, they seem really well done.
See you soon
ivan -
No problem man !! If You have any question just ask .... i will try to help if i can...
Another version of a previous project... different style...
For some reason, I'm hungry?
Wow. Those are excellent.
Again congratulations, you're my idol!(Just kidding)
Take back seriously, i love that satin surface of the wooden top, is simply fantastic.Let me ask you some information because, as you know, I'm going to start working with VRay.
How long did it take to render each image? (I'm not talking about the time taken for the adjustments, the preparation and post production: i mean only rendering time)
What is the size each original image?
what kind of hardware you use?
Thank you very much
Ivan -
Did you use the fur plugin for the white shag rugs?
@bryan k said:
For some reason, I'm hungry?
Wow. Those are excellent.
Thx a lot ! Now I'm hungry to
@ivanscotti said:
Again congratulations, you're my idol!(Just kidding)
Take back seriously, i love that satin surface of the wooden top, is simply fantastic.Let me ask you some information because, as you know, I'm going to start working with VRay.
How long did it take to render each image? (I'm not talking about the time taken for the adjustments, the preparation and post production: i mean only rendering time)
What is the size each original image?
what kind of hardware you use?
Thank you very much
IvanI'm glad you liked
The render time for each image was 2h... The oryginal resolutionis 1600x1000... it's a long time but i use high level setup for Light Cache and when you add a few IES lights and bump maps it's take a ages
My hardware is Pentium i7 920 2,67GHz ( 8 square render in F window of V-ray ) 7GB Ram memory , ATI Radeon 4850 HD.... nothing special or adwanced...
No problem... I will always help You if i can...
@unknownuser said:
Did you use the fur plugin for the white shag rugs?
No it's look like this... model with displacement map... when i want to use a Fur plugin i have always some errors in this model...
Thanks, my friend.
I hope to show you soon my first renders with VRay! -
Hi all !!!
My new project... bathroom
I'm waiting for your's comments...
Will be more of this
Sketchup, v-ray, PS...
And next one... i back from swimming pool and it's done
You've got serious skills. That's one lovely image.
@unknownuser said:
You've got serious skills. That's one lovely image.
Thank you very much
But it's still a lot to learn !
Next two ( but not too showy like last one
Great renders. Textures, light...
Shadow in corners, edges... are defined by AO?...or is it in postpro? -
. Your style is sweet
. All pictures downloaded.
thank you...for texture also