Magic ROTATE tool- HOW do you do this??
When you click-hold-drag the rotate tool, it aligns to the axis that you drag along.
See this tut, starting at 3:00 mins she explains how:
YouTube - Google SketchUp Toolbar Series: Rotate
[flash=480,385:3l1f50kg][/flash:3l1f50kg] -
i didn't watch the video you posted but i assume you're talking about this: -
of course!!! click and drag to get the orientation!!! thanks guys!!!
Does this count as a duhhh moment? -
Damn....something I never knew either! I always use Shift and another plane to lock orientation. This will make life easier! Just goes to question is too silly and you never know who else you may help!!
True. I have been using SU since V2 and I only learned that one after watching Gaieus use it after the last Basecamp.
i only discovered this a couple of months ago! lol you are not alone in your duh moment
I can't believe I just learnt something fundamental about SketchUp....
I wish the circle and polygon tools worked the same way, too!
Troy there are NO dumb questions only dumb answers
I would be ashamed to show you how I STILL do some SU manipulations. Part of the habits developed since SUv1 but I am gradually changing the habits