Note or label in acres
I had originally posted in general SU area, might have better luck here????
Does anyone know of a way to display “acres” as a system measured note or label?
Currently, selecting a face will result in a note/label with square feet. I’d like SU to make the note in acres instead of having to do the math myself.
Thank you,
SU 7.1pro
XPsp3 -
Hmm, I've written a snippet of code that I run at work that takes a selection of faces and determines the acres and adds a note to the model pointing to the center of the faces and displays in acres.
I'll try to rememeber to upload here when I get back to workin tomorrow (about 14 hours from now).
Thanks Chris,
That will be great!!!
Glenn -
This scant 'one-liner' does it - select some face[s] and paste it into the Ruby Console, a piece of text showing the area to 3dp is placed at each face's center - but has no undo, command, menu etc etc...
m=Sketchup.active_model;s=m.selection;s.each{|e|m.active_entities.add_text((((e.area*0.000159423).to_i)/1000.0).to_f.to_s+"acres",(,[10,10,10])if e.class==Sketchup;;Face}
Thank you Tig, works like a charm !!!!!