Bloody hilarious!!
why's it being recorded? parents sick of broken keyboards perhaps?!!
This is just... sad! maybe not the kids fault, maybe its somebody up there who did wrong who gave that much to this kid and not to another! (...To keep it light besides to what I think, that kid looks possessed!!! PARENTS if you have a kid anything close to that kid on the video... DO NOT, I say DO NOT, introduce to him SU!You ll never know what will happen!!!!)
I don't remember the full story behind this, but for those who did't know- he is acting. This video was made to parody efforts in Germany to make public policies against computer and video gaming followed after two massacres at two different schools. In the end, the video backfired and he has become one of the internet legends. But yeah, very hilarious
I have two boys around that age and let them watch it, afterwards I gave them a stern warning if they ever showed any behavior like that I'd kick their asses 'till kingdom come.
i got the gist of it after about 30 seconds.
He does seem upset about something.
A few observations. . .
- dear little Franz here could use a bit a exercise outside. he's sportin' a bit of paunch there.
Too much time Playin' UNreal. .or whatever the heck it is. - Frau and Herr need to up His Ritilin dosage --- to a capsule about the size of a suitcase.
- I'd wash his mouth out with soap, with a wire Scrub brush.
- dear little Franz here could use a bit a exercise outside. he's sportin' a bit of paunch there.
Angry little tacker, isn't he? I think he needs to get outside and get some rays....
acting or not i'd be afraid to send my kids to this kid's school! disturbingly funny.
@solo said:
Will make a great condom advert.
@speaker said:
...but for those who did't know- he is acting.
He sure seem to be very good at acting then...
If this was supposed to parody efforts in Germany to make public policies against computer and video gaming, why the odd (not to mention hidden) camera angle...?As disturbing as it may sound, I believe such people does exist irl - unfortunately...
Acting or not and regardless of the moral warning - Bloody hilarious. Thanks for posting Solo, I will now be wiping the coffee off my screen.
This particular behavior is sad. OK
But we're not kids, this means that sometimes similar behavior exists in our minds, especially when trying to learn some apps.
My experiences trying to learn blender and zbrush here, my wife asked me what's the problem once, well, my breath sounded weird.
Nice apps, he he. Keyboard is OK, at least. I wont translate my greek expressions of this time but you can imagine. After all we're humans.
Lets have some fun. Our kids are watching us. Its perfectly OK. -
Achtung mein fhurer, of course you are right. Yes the people love you. Yes sir, we are working on your monument right now. Of course sir I will be right back. (exuent stage right)
It hurt to watch this. Bet, he kills cats too! Hope it was staged.