Get together before base camp
I get into Denver Int'l at 7:30 PM on the 31st, so if I make it to the party I will be fashionably late. I'll be sure to wear something Google-esque so I can be easily identified by even the most heavily imbibed.
@unknownuser said:
I get into Denver Int'l at 7:30 PM on the 31st, so if I make it to the party I will be fashionably late. I'll be sure to wear something Google-esque so I can be easily identified by even the most heavily imbibed.
Found you just the thing
Yes! That's exactly what I was talking about.
I still have my 3D BaseCamp 2008 T-shirt (although may be a bit small by now
Not sure I'll be wearing it therefore...
I have another one that I am not allowed to wear, too.
Is that a Bing shirt, Csaba?
@davidboulder said:
@gaieus said:
I have another one that I am not allowed to wear, too.
Turn it inside out
I do know... could be accused of "Insider Information". That's a felony isn't it?
@unknownuser said:
I get into Denver Int'l at 7:30 PM on the 31st, so if I make it to the party I will be fashionably late. I'll be sure to wear something Google-esque so I can be easily identified by even the most heavily imbibed.
I'll also arrive at Denver airport at 7:30 PM on 31st, so I will arrive late but no late enough to miss the 3D Facepalm (or Faceplant)
Wyatt : Do you flight from Washington ??
At Denver I'll meet a college who will arrive earlier and we will rent a car at the airport. I booked a room at the Best Western. Perhaps we can drive you to Boulder ? -
hey everybody.. I'm having some trouble finding the way to get from denver to boulder via SuperShuttle... If anyone has already booked with supershuttle can they give me a heads up via private message?
For SuperShuttle I can't help you but there is a skyRide Bus (for $12).
Here somes informations : -
Count me in too! I am not opposed to closing a place down!
just to re-cap is everybody just meeting at the bar?
I guess so, as we are all arriving at different times. many of us are at the same hotel so who knows who we will meet in the lobby.
Look at Pete; he's already drinking!
So who knows where (and WHEN) the whole thing's going to start... -
@solo said:
I guess so, as we are all arriving at different times. many of us are at the same hotel so who knows who we will meet in the lobby.
So many are staying at the Best Western closest to Basecamp? Dave and I are rooming there....
I will be there too.
If I make it, I'll be at Best Western also! I tihnk I'm only there for Thursday and Friday night though. I'll get in Thrusday morning early and leave Friday night right afterwards - lame!
That's a shame about the quick turnaround! But you still have one night of debauchery
If i'm comming over, i'll see you guys back there, i'm probably gonna be the only not native english speaker there so look for the accent
@pout said:
If i'm comming over, i'll see you guys back there, i'm probably gonna be the only not native english speaker there so look for the accent