FotoSketcher is pretty cool
Sorry if I come off argumentative, I don't mean to.
Sometimes in trying to explain myself I can forget to include pleasantries.I will be looking at the overlay techniques and will post the results.
The down sized posted images are 1100 X 577 - 96 dpi
original images were 3850 X2152 - 72 dpi
FotoSketcher 2.00 is out, in case you missed the announcement.
For the New Year... FotoSketcher 2.00 finally released
Happy New Year to all! After months of hard toil FotoSketcher 2.00 is finally available for download (
Nice one Jim. Here's the new features...
10 languages in all (English, French, German, Czech, Polish, Italian, Romanian, Dutch, Finnish, Russian)
Crop source or drawn image
Lossless 90° rotation
Improved and more responsive interface (12 skins, flicker-free icons, real-time preview of brushstrokes)
One-click automatic contrast adjustment
Check for updates
Automatic saving of language, window size, position and chosen skin
4 new realistic frames
New custom brushes loading for Painting 7 effect
New vintage photo effect (sepia, vignette, old photo texture)