Tank Suspension
Hey wait a second - was something scaled? lol im such a newb its horrible
i notice when i right click on the hinges hobbnob left "reset scale" is available.
woo-HOOO!!! I got it working!
I just started over. I mustve had something funky going on in my setup hobbnob your were right.
When i deleted all the joints, exploded the tire and the bar and then regrouped them both, then added new joints like you explained and another joint for the wheel and viola - suspension.
man.. i was like a mad sceintist there for a while trying to figure it out
lol, dont worry, we all get like that at some point when we find a break though. its good to hear you've got it working, its all part of the learning.
I am going to try and add 5 off these arm and wheel assemblies per side. I have made a component out of the interior wall and arm sockets for the 5 wheel and bar assemblies.
But Im curious what would be the best way to proceed? These are my thoughts
1.) make the previously mentioned wall and socket component a group
2.) bring in the physics copied (now saved component) arm n wheel assembly with joints
3.) explode the arm and wheel assembly component then physic copy the 2 a total of 4 times
4.) explode again both and redo the jointsTHEN..and here where i think my problem is
Then I want to somehow bring that wheel well now with the torsion arms and wheels (assuming it works) and attach it to slot in my tank hull proper.
How do I bring it there as a component and then explode the hell out everything all over again and reattach? Or should i bring into the tank hull scene as a model and then intersect the wheel well now with wheels with the tank hull proper?
does this make sense what i just said?
errrrmmmm, so are you wanting to copy the arms of the suspension and the wheels.
if so what i find the easiest is to copy it without any joins, so then you can copy it however many times you like and then attach the joints.
or you could use physics copy to copy them with the joint, and then explode the groupe an reconnect the joints (but im not to sure with this method, i havnt used it must before)
-- the way ide go around it, is copying the arm and wheel, then get rid of all joints inside the arm and wheel, and disconnect them from any other joint (so the arm and wheel have no joints inside or are connected to any).
-- then copy and paste the arm and wheel together and place them where they are needed.
-- then finally remake all of the joints again and then re-attach them.if you get confused with this method then just use your own and take your time. and remember save a copy before you start so if it goes wrong, you still have something to go back on.
Thank you kindly.
Do joints export? Like to 3DS for example?
the physical joint will, but the mechanics of it won't
ok camokid i read your advice and i think i will do it that way
this is a pic of where i am right now, the hull and turret are hidden and i cut the wall off inside the armor plate. attachment tests are coming up
Any chance the selection cut tool will mess with my joints. I want to cut away the side skirts before attaching the joints so i can see a little better.
errrrrrmmmmmm, to be honest i dont know, cus i make my physics tanks differently and i dont use that feature.
Normaly what i do when making tanks is make the full static model first and all in place. then i split it up into different "physics parts" (what i call for all different features like wheels, doors, turrets, ect...)
Then i work on each part induvidually, so the wheels are away from the body, and the joint are still visible, and nothing is locking the view.
To be honest i see no reason why the selection cut would interfere with the joints. Another option is making a line with the "line" tool and make a mark of where the part was and move it away so it doesnt block the part. then move it back after.
@camokid - i followed your advice almost exactly thank you for suggesting that.
you know I believe i made a mistake. i put the origin of axes for the main group (my hull) at center hull bottom but.. i shouldve put it at ground level instead i put it at hull. now when the armor drops the wheels sort of hang.
duh! Now what. I cant explode without everything falling apart.
Ugh Im getting stuck in the mud. My double hinges are turning inward.
I dont know what Im doing wrong and the tank is way to big already without the turret and gun. Oh well i guess this is good practice.
I would have provided the model in a zip but its so big.
right, rom what it looks like, it could be the collision geometry.
so what this is, is a normal physics box acts like a box, however when you make a complex shape, like a hole for a pin to go through, the collision geometry will still think the object is a box so nothing will go through the hole.
so the possible problem is that youve made the whole body as one model and grouped it all together. this means that the wheels (or suspension arms in your case) try to move outside the geometry.
its a pain to tell you how to fix it, so could you email it to me (Taylor.c.123@hotmail.co.uk) and ill fix it for you. the only problem with this method is, cus it adds more objects and stuff, it could add lag (but in the past ive picked up tips to cut lag).
@hvypetals said:
Oh well i guess this is good practice.
ha, dont worry we all make mistakes. and once you find one problem, then that means you stop doing it in the future. trust me, the more you make, the easier it becomes. (ever heard of meshing, its making propper 3D planes and stuff from 2D prints, On the 3D warehouse search Tu-160. better yet, here a link: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=df3944a1135871f5d40e00f72aac160e)
That took me about 2-3 weeks to make. now i could do it in a few days.
Thanks camokid Im going to send you the file to your email when I get home in about 5 hours I hope thats okay.
I think I understand what your saying. I did make these holes for my torsion arms. Last night I tried to seal them up but had the same issue. Im going to look at the example your provided as well. Although I have not heard of meshing but it sounds interesting.
I really appreciate all the help.
Great bomber btw! Reminds me of my Falcon 4.0 days.
What is this meshing? Im going to look it up.
after talking with camokid i am re approaching my tank to better suit the wheels. i did not model correctly and my hull was being seen as only a box thus pushing my wheels the wrong way.
in doing this i also chopped off the side skirt with a plane, outlined it and deleted my sloppy geometry and rebuilt a simpler version.
The new side is looking much better. and i cant wait to see if it works and see it when its done. f you need anymore help, just ask, ill try my best
you rock Taylor thanks for the help.