Blender Information / Advice Thread
Thanks, maybe you should post the file here in advance that way if i (or anyone for that matter) needs it, it will be there. I say that because i see confusion emerging in the future
Errrr...Actually I cant attach a .blend. Sorry.
XD Np! If you want, you can upload to rapidshare or mediashare and just insert the download link in a SCF post! But anyway, what i was going to say was I m currently working on a neat animation which is supposed to look like a star emitting some sort of radiation (maybe because of the thing i am about to mention) and that radiation going into a quasar-like object! Neat-o XD Ill let you know when i finish, i think i got a good thing going here XD Now waiting for that render to finish xD
All righty then! yOU USING SMOKE PARTICLES? Aww...Caps lock strikes again. BTW, what are your comp specs?
I have horrible Graphics specs XD Well, its meant for 2d xP. I am having trouble with texturing and stuff, maybe i could get some help from you xP I need to show you the vid. I cant get the particles to look like particles xD it looks like a smoke cloud. xP Help! XD
Um,, can you give me a screenshot? I don't quite know what you meant.
Hi guys,
Being in the holiday spirit, I decided to do a little Christmas lights, and ornaments for a CG Christmas card. Once it's done, I'll show it to you!
Well, Ill show it to you closer to Christmas. For now, here's a ship I made in Blender. It's a lot of fun, and the compositing really adds to it.
Looks comfy cozy....? xD Nice ship! Looks like it is made out of leather or something though TBH. =|
Yeah. you talking about the irridescence?
Uh, yeah, so here's a thing I made. It's a space ship's interior. It took about 4 hrs in total, and is the most successful blender work I've ever done.

Oh, yeah, and btw, any questions? Comments? Want to show off your work? Please post it here!
This post is withering and dieing as we speak. -
I had a question that I'm hoping someone can answer. I've been starting to use the arbaro tree generator and am pretty happy with it, but when I bring it in to blender (.obj) I can't figure out how to texture the leaves. I was hoping they would be instanced (however blender would handle/call that) so that I could map 1 leaf and have the rest follow suit but either its not working or I'm doing it wrong. Then I thought I might be able to stack all the similar (exact same) leaf meshes in the uv editor and apply an image to the lot of them, but that doesn't seem to be working either.
Any ideas as to how to do this or is there a better way to texture a tree?
I've watched this tutorial on making trees -- and it seems like a decent alternative, although I'd still prefer to use arbaro -- but it doesn't address my initial question. -
@unknownuser said:
Oh, yeah, and btw, any questions? Comments? Want to show off your work? Please post it here!
This post is withering and dieing as we speak.Great I like your scene. Funny sci-fi
Some of my recent work done with Blender and rendered with yafaray
@dsarchs said:
I had a question that I'm hoping someone can answer. I've been starting to use the arbaro tree generator and am pretty happy with it, but when I bring it in to blender (.obj) I can't figure out how to texture the leaves. I was hoping they would be instanced (however blender would handle/call that) so that I could map 1 leaf and have the rest follow suit but either its not working or I'm doing it wrong. Then I thought I might be able to stack all the similar (exact same) leaf meshes in the uv editor and apply an image to the lot of them, but that doesn't seem to be working either.
Any ideas as to how to do this or is there a better way to texture a tree?
I've watched this tutorial on making trees -- and it seems like a decent alternative, although I'd still prefer to use arbaro -- but it doesn't address my initial question.You can try ngplant too, see the link
Wow, REGIS, this is amazing! I like the interior renders in LuxRender, they're always great. Surprisingly, though, I'm pretty happy with the Blender internal, it seems quite intuitive. Though I haven't tried LuxRender...
Nice work, keep it up!
On second observation, I bet that if you beveled the tables and shelves that it would look a lot less 3d, and more real.
Uh, and it would be great to have the curtain on a curtain rod instead of floating in the air
@unknownuser said:
On second observation, I bet that if you beveled the tables and shelves that it would look a lot less 3d, and more real.
Uh, and it would be great to have the curtain on a curtain rod instead of floating in the air
not sure with the table, it's IKEA LACK style, very sharp edges in real.
You're right with the curtain !
Now, I've changed my plan so it's a little bit different.
Take a look at this one and let me know what you think about.
BTW, I'm not satisfied with the curtain texture but I don't know how to manage this at the moment and I'll take a look with the cloth system to get a better result too. -
Hey mate
I like the new setup if your room. Very nice. To tell the truth, I still think a VERY VERY slight bevel would make it more realistic looking. There's a bevel modifier, it's just so easy to do, just a small bevel? Please?
Also, I do think a cloth sim would make your curtains better. Did you extrude a curve along z to make them? The reenforcing rings make it WAYYYY better than before. Good work.
I also like your light fixture and the ambient light. Good work.
Maybe make something really really close to the camera, and make it out of focus to we could see some depth to the render.
Hi goldenfrog
Sorry with the late answer.
Many thanks for all your kind comments.
Take a look at this new WIP, I like guitar so i've started one some months ago and now I'm back with this WIP wich is not yet finished, it miss some details and some pieces are not very good and have to be re-done.
Render is done with blender internal, wich is pretty coolLet me know what you think about this one