3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
@davidboulder said:
+1 on interest in learning about adding lights with IES in Shaderlight.
Be sure to talk to him before he is arrested for throttling me. Apparently my review of the application at PPB2, which prompted the quoted note, really bothered the company.
Oh Lewis, you are such a charmer when you want to be
I'm a little confused about how Martin has a 'presenting slot' when it's an UN-conference format.
I hope we all get the same opportunities.
@chris fullmer said:
Oh Lewis, you are such a charmer when you want to be
That's why I decided to take up fencing.
(It's actually a pity that there is no fencing style involving two-handed broadswords...an epee may not prove sufficient for particularly charming incidents.)
I understand most of you guys will be staying at the Best Western.
Just called there and they are full. Anyone willing to share a room
please let me know. -
I've got a room with to myself with 2 beds for Wednesday and Thursday nights. I might be cancelling my reservation entirely in the next couple of days....
any french attending basecamp 2010 ?
Bertier, I believe there will be, I know one for sure (French Canadian).
Mateo is sorted out guys, we took care of it already.
I lived in Quebec for 2 years. .. I speak French.
Hate de t'y voir!
@mateo soletic said:
I understand most of you guys will be staying at the Best Western.
Just called there and they are full. Anyone willing to share a room
please let me know.Go for the Quality Inn a few blocks away and enjoy scenic walks through Boulder in the morning!
think thats where I am
Sorry to bore the attendees with this but maybe some are not aware of this so here goes....
First off if you are traveling to Basecamp and are from one the following countries...
Czech Republic
New Zealand
United Kingdom
San Marino
Republic of Malta
South Korea
Greece...you need to 'Apply for an Authorization to Travel to the United States'. Now you may have filled in similar info when you booked your flight etc., but it's better to be safe than sorry and go through this process again. It only takes a few minutes and approval to travel is issued fairly quickly. I'd hate to hear someone refused entry because of this.
done that, allowed to go to basecamp !
I cn share a room, at the Best Western.
I smoke outside !
@unknownuser said:
...you need to 'Apply for an Authorization to Travel to the United States'.
Thanks Rich, All done. I also noted that it must be accepted 72 hours prior to departure....
4 more sleeps.
did I ever commit war crimes between 1930-46 - NO among other silly questions although all for a good course im sure!
yeah I did that form once I had booked my flights, apparently they are going to be charging £9 from next year for the visa waiver if it still stands!!!! just a vicious rumor tho?
Have never travelled to the states before apparently another set of forms to fill out on the plane also?? -
Haha. I have a visa (for another 8 years) so I do not need to do this whole hassle.
But yes, Rich, thanks for the reminder in case someone forgets.
AND when you get the question, "Is the purpose of your visit the overthrow of the Government of the United States of America?"... do NOT answer 'yes' unless you want to miss Basecamp!
lol im so unprepared and unorganized need to start packing pub trip last night bad idea
WooHoo! I know you all have not been following the drama in my life surrounding attending this event - but it has not been very certain that I was acutally going to make it.
BUT!, I just booked my flight (literally 2 minutes ago), I've got time off from work, and I WILL BE THERE!
I'll even make it to the pre-party I think. I get in to Denver at 5:40pm tomorrow. So I might be a little late, but that is probably ok.
Only real problem is I have no place to stay (and virtually no money left in my bank account
). I'll probably try to sneak into someone's room while they are less than sober and sleep in their closet. So if you notice some extra snoring coming from your closet, its just me!
Chris - see you all there.