Simplify Geometry
Please explain a little more what you mean by simplify?
Do you mean to get rid of the "quilting"? Or do you simply want to hide the dashed lines of the mesh? -
Whaat has a polyreducer plugin - I don1t know how it would work in this case however (it's best on organic stuff like statues and such)
Thom's Cleanup plugin, is maybe what you mean? (You need to have it either way.)
Well, polyreducer cuts away some geometry and in this case is not working at all. So I think this job can be done only manualy
I use MeshLab.
- export SU mesh in OBJ format.
- import into Meshlab
- do remesh
- export Mesh in DXF format
- Import DXF mesh back into SU
Note: In Meshlab:
Turn of flatline display, goto Filters menu.
Pick: Remeshing, simplification and reconstruction / Quadratic Edge Collapse Decimation.
Do Quadratic Edge Collapse Decimation several times till you are happy we the reduced mesh. -
Exactly what i have been looking for also..
However, the interface does not seem exactly simpleCan you tell us what pulldown and command you use to do the REMESH please?
Bob@tomot said:
I use MeshLab.
- export SU mesh in OBJ format.
- import into Meshlab
- do remesh
- export Mesh in DXF format
- Import DXF mesh back into SU
Note: In Meshlab:
Turn of flatline display, goto Filters menu.
Pick: Remeshing, simplification and reconstruction / Quadratic Edge Collapse Decimation.
Do Quadratic Edge Collapse Decimation several times till you are happy we the reduced mesh. -
This is an 8-year old thread. Maybe you could contact the Meshlab developers with questions.