- Sketcky Bevel in Context Menu
Well I am trying to limit the number of plugins that access the context menu. I have found -Sketchy Bevel, as a choice in the context menu. I don't have the plugin Sketchy Bevel in my plugin list. I thought maybe it was running from Round Corners, but when I disable this plugin, I still have the selection in the context menu -Sketchy Bevel.
Anyone know where this plugin is hiding?
Thanks in advance
The ruby is called
It must be loading if you get a 'Bevel' item in your context-menu.
I find 'Bevel' but not 'Sketchy Bevel' !
There might be an older rb version with another name ??
Note Fredo'sRoundCorner
does the same stuff and more; so disabling it shouldn't cause hardship...The trick I use to find what is loading a particular menu is to look for the menu's text in all of the files in my Plugins folder/sub-folders - normal Vista Search doesn't look inside rb files [and encrypted rb or rbs aren't readable in any case...] but I use a copy of free '
' and search the Plugins folder-path [copied as text], for *.rb files containing say 'Bevel' - it should then show the possible culprit file[s]... -
Plugins are also loaded from the Tools folder, which is up a level from Plugins.
The image shows the default files shipped with SU 7.
(The identity of the guilty parties has been obscured at the request of the authorities.)
As Jim says the Tools folder will have a few scripts in too - but once you've eliminated them from the list of suspects then the Plugins folder is the main source of discontent...
TIG and Jim
Well I found the script. It is in the "cd_power_extension_m.rb", lines 200 and 212, however, this script is encrypted. I like some of the menu choice in the Power Tool bar, so I guess I will need to live with it. However, I don't like all the choices, so maybe I will get rid of this script sometime in the future.
On another note, TIG, thanks for the program to search for text, it works well. And yes, I have Vista, and was wondering why I couldn't find the text in the script with a search. Pray tell what good is Vista search?
And to Jim, will, I looked in the Tools directory and found more that I wanted to. Found another 5 programs/scripts that were not listed as your original lists. So I changed their extension. Now I will find out if any are really needed. yaml.rb, syck.so, rational.rb, date.rb and 3SkengltExtension.rb. I know what the last one is used for, however, I have decided that I don't need this script, so I won't be loading it again.
To all thanks for the help.