[Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
how do i upload the new fur, seems like its not working on my SU 2013
@tak2hata said:
I update to version2.0.1 in 2013.06.02.UI is improved.
The icon is pretty cool!
Fur will be grown thick on sketchup!Thanks.
What do you mean it's not working. Be specific.
The file is available to download at the end of the first post in this thread or you could autoinstall it via the Sketchucation Plugin Store.
I am having an issue with this plugin. Only Seven of the sliders will move. Any suggestions?
@lectuscouch said:
I am having an issue with this plugin. Only Seven of the sliders will move. Any suggestions?
That's like saying to the doctor, "It hurts." and expecting the doctor to figure out from that what's wrong with you. Do we have to guess which sliders work? It would be a big help if you were much more specific. Post the SKP file and give us some information that we can use to help you. What sliders don't move? What are you trying to achieve?
@lectuscouch said:
I am having an issue with this plugin. Only Seven of the sliders will move. Any suggestions?
Hi,Lectus and all.
I update this to v2.1.0. in 20140323.
I am soryy.
Slider did not work when units are "inch" and "feet".
It was fixed now.
Thanks! -
I look everywhere for this kind of plugin, and Whoahhhh there it is! SUPER THANKS REALLY Author!
Just a quick question. Is it possible somehow to adjust setting to a created crowd, or does one have to start over?
If anyone can answer any of the following questions I'd be extremely happy... (thanks in advance)....1- On the first page, in the "Attachments" box where you click to download the plugin, it says "fur_en1.5a--This is Older Version.".... Is there an newer version somewhere? Or is this the most current version?
2- I see that in later posts, people seem to have a dialog/menu box that is green... is this only a Windows feature?
All I get is a slightly different version of the original (whatever version was first released)... I'm on a Mac, and sometimes not everything appears the same on both systems.3- Also on the first page, where the versions/fixes are listed, I see "Crowd" Problem on mac do not fix yet. "....
I'm not sure, but does that mean that the crowd feature does not work on a Mac?4- I feel really stupid asking this one, because it is clear that other people are able to do this, but how exactly does one go about using/loading components? I've tried several ways, based on what I think other people are doing (though nobody who seems to be using components seem to be directly saying how they did it... or I'm completely missing that)... I don't actually seem to be able use the Sang or Leaf1 components either... I watched the video and read every page of this thread and unless I skipped something obvious , I just don't see that info...
Sorry, for asking what are probably really stupid questions, but I've been going at this for about 3 hours and I decided to just ask the questions instead of poking at it anymore.
By the way, I can make grass(fur)... I'm just not able to use/load leaf1 and Sang components/load my own components... I was hoping to be able to use this plugin to populate a small area of terrain with some simple weed billboards/components I was making and I remembered that this plugin seemed to be able to do that... But I'm not sure if I'm understanding fully if that is what it does...
Anyway, thank you in advance for any information you may be able to share on this subject!
Not really now answer to your questions but...
if you want make Fur vegetal you can try this one (it's exactly the same philosophy) during the time that I understand your questions! -
Q 1 version 2.1.0
Q 2 Mac users are not always so happy than PC Users
I can't answer for that, I am a PC UserQ 3 Same than Q2
Q 4 Some years that I don't use it!
Some cool interface Now!
But really no problem!
I have made absolutly no regulates!
Select a surface then use the Green Dialog Box
With this Dialog Box you can use only Component by Component!Q 5 Sorry no problem for me with the Crowd dialog box!
I believe that you must use a PC! -
But from your left image seems you have not "Check" your 2 components ! ?
That was just for the screen shot, I took pictures of each menu and put them together in one image using photoshop... I have tried checking the boxes, there is no reaction from the plugin when you click "Make Crowd"
Okay... Something was amiss... I turned of the computer and restarted it and now it works... it makes crowds.
I think I know what the problem was... sometimes my computer acts a little wonky after using certain programs at the same time... so to get it back to normal, I'll shut it down for a few minutes... which I just did... now I see the tool palette buttons too, which were not showing up in the preferences...
Also one other thing... I guess I failed to purge the document I was testing fur with... leaf1 was a component I made to test the crowd feature, but I deleted it and made a pink box instead... which did not appear a choice...
The weird thing is leaf1 one was actually the file name, not the component name... (TestLeaf)... I don't know why it chose the file name over the component name... So when I saw "leaf1" I thought it was some built in component...
Still, if it had populated the surface I would have seen it was my component.Some of the controls are slightly different for Mac (still no slider controls, but no big deal), but the crowd feature DOES work...
So thanks again Pilou, it does now work more or less exactly as you showed in your "How to" images (which I thank you very much for going through the trouble of making!).
Have a great day!
Hello Pilou.
Thank you for the link to TreeMaker, I have been using it a lot lately, but I wanted to be able to populate a small terrain with my own models (or simple billboard components)... what I was actually trying to do, was make specific weeds for an overgrown area... TreeMaker is very good, but the template models are too... "pretty" for weeds and I do not really know how to add my own models to the list (if that is even possible)... so I decided to try Fur which sort seems to work like Component Spray, but with more random distribution.
I used the other link you provided and downloaded V 2.1.0... I see now that I skimmed past the the "Download Here" link at the top and went straight to the bottom where the updates usually used to be... I keep doing that with older plugins, I forget that the links to the newer versions at the PluginStore are often at the top now, so thank you again for the link.
I think that the dialog boxes are different for Windows and Mac.
Once again, thank you Pilou for the links and info!
Have happy discovery of this amazing plugin!
I will have lots of fun using this, thanks Pilou!
The billboards I made looked terrible when rendered in Poser, but the PNGs look okay in SketchUp... So, just in case anyone wants to use them for something in SketchUp, here are the smaller versions I used in SU... They are very simple... it was just for a test, so sorry if they look a little cartoon-like.
First thank you very much for this very nice plugin!
I'm trying to create a grassfield using the Make Crowd function, but I find the density to low.
What I do -
I select the face
Set the density to max (20)
Select my grass componentThis generate some instances, but not enough to give the impression of a grassfield.
Is there a way to rise the density or do I do something wrong?