About dividing a group
Hi all!
I'm new to Sketchup and while practising it I met some problems that I need your helps- How can you divide a group into two groups?
I use a face to divide a group by the intersection tool. Then I have two parts of that group. I can erase one to get the rest. I see that is the way it works in Sketchup. But I want to keep two parts after dividing and they separate from each other into two groups. I mean, is there a way or plugins to do this automatically? - I draw a big building model and take in it a lot of details, following the type of BIM (Building Information Modelding, something like that). Now I have a big trouble. The file size is very big, though I have only done a half of work.
I wonder about ways to keep it as small as possible.
I already did some methods, for example, using Purge used, using the layer manager to control visibility. But I have feeling that I miss something out there.
How about Xref Manager or something like that? I tried but the file size didn't reduce.
Your advices?
Thanks for your attention.
- How can you divide a group into two groups?
Hi Jackalvn, hi folks.
There are quite a few ways to do it, and without any plugin.
See this SU file for ideas.
you could simply select half the group (after cutting and while in group edit) then ctrl+x (edit cut). then close the group, now edit>paste in place then group this new selection. you will then have your two groups still in proper placement.
you can also select both resulting groups and group them together if you like so you'll have your original group which contains two seperate groups inside.
Hi Jean Lemire, hi xrok1.
Thanks for yr tips.
Your method is good move in case the group is simple.
If the group is very complex, containing many objects or other groups in it, or in case you need to divide a group into many continuously, I'm afraid of that your method is time consuming and I would consider it if I had no other choices. -
i guess you need to plan ahead next time