SketchUp for iPad
On my wishlist is to see SU on an iPad.
or maybe just a SU-file viewer for i-phone? can show my cool stuff on the road - to anyone! customer, friend, etc...
zoom in and out with pinch-move, zoom-extents = shake phone, draw a circle is turn around the model.... yay! -
@unknownuser said:
On my wishlist is to see SU on an iPad.
Just make sure you do not have people, vegetation, cars, textures, anything organic, plugins, shadows, etc and it should be okay.
(wondering how many 3D max requests there are for the Ipad)
isn't there an i-pad-2.0-wishlist-thread on the apple forums? if they exist?
Hang on - SU doens't run on win95...
Ah - Photoshop job.
Some sort of viewer would be very useful.
Its a nice thought being able to show your client or tutor etc your model on the ipad. -
do iPads handle PDFs?
you could print to a 3d PDF. been using it with clients. not the same control as with a sketchy presentation, but the plugin i'm using saves out views, etc... you can measure, create section cuts (it doesn't seem to transfer them from sketchup
) etc.
You might want to check out 3DVIA Mobile on the app store. The 3D app allows for viewing of SU models on your iPhone and iPad (with the iPhone app).
... and yes I work for 3DVIA but thought this would help.
- Greg
I don't know, but does the iPad have Adobe's pdf viewer?
@unknownuser said:
Rhino CAD has a viewer for the iPhone and iPad. there is a trial of Rhino CAD for the PC that allows you 25 saves and you can also open your sketchup files in there. Basically open your sketchup file, save as a rhino file and open with the viewer.
There is also an app called "NaviCAD" available on the iPhone and the iPad which similarly allows you to view SketchUp models. It isn't quite as polished as the Rhino viewer, but it might be worth a look.However SketchUp (besides Android, Windows and Linux Apps) will certainly run on a WeTab.
I'm very curious if Google will create a solution that will work on all the other new devices.
seems as though unity3d is availiable for iphone/ipad as maybe someone familiar with it can make a viewer (or has already).
The coolest time saver for me would be if a very basic version of Su was on android or I pad. I do extension renovation work. I use a laser measurer to measure up houses. It has blue tooth and works with auto cad the problem is the lap top is a pain to carry around the site. If I could have it draw in Su it would save me at least 2 hours per job...
now I think about it the laser would have to output a file to use in CAd so I wonder if I could just put the out put files into the ruby console. hmmmm now that could be a great ruby. anyone else done anything like this?
@aadbuild said:
now I think about it the laser would have to output a file to use in CAd so I wonder if I could just put the out put files into the ruby console. hmmmm now that could be a great ruby. anyone else done anything like this?
Someone did talk about how he used a laser device that sent keystrokes to applications. Used that to adjust the length of edges. -
Google released a SketchUp 8 Viewer for PC and it would be really nice to see it for the ipad.
Google's Beta Web stuff with a viewable SU model on the ipad (or anything else) is here. Run the download. It's harmless, I promise your computer won't break. Don't know why Google requires this procedure. Nice if the SUcation page can be set up to support it. If you end up at "error", refresh your display to get the download panel.
The people who represented Podium at 3DBC this year had an iPad viewer for sketchup. As they moved the iPad the camera within the model moved in realtime. I don't know if they could do realtime walkthroughs, or just see the model from a stationary position, but regardless, it was pretty cool. Did anyone else see this and have any more info?
@unknownuser said:
The people who represented Podium at 3DBC this year had an iPad viewer for sketchup. As they moved the iPad the camera within the model moved in realtime. I don't know if they could do realtime walkthroughs, or just see the model from a stationary position, but regardless, it was pretty cool. Did anyone else see this and have any more info?
that would be cool...any news?^^
@unknownuser said:
The people who represented Podium at 3DBC this year had an iPad viewer for sketchup. As they moved the iPad the camera within the model moved in realtime. I don't know if they could do realtime walkthroughs, or just see the model from a stationary position, but regardless, it was pretty cool. Did anyone else see this and have any more info?
Yep, it caught my eye also. The lady showing 'Sketchers Walk' was Masako Tanaka from Alphacox in Japan. I tried it out and found it fascinating. It was like viewing an SU model through a small window that one held in their hands. As you moved the iPad up / down and from side to side it showed different parts of the model. It was also possible to zoom in and out and directly 'move into' the model further.
I understand its in Beta now and Masako has advised me that she will keep me informed on progress. I'm looking forward to seeing the final application and think it will be very useful for showing SU models to non techie clients as all they need to do is hold and slide their finger on the screen
PS: I imagine it will not break the bank as iPad Apps are reasonably priced.