Need help to creat this chair for 3d model! [TUTORIAL]
Yes it is the loop 3d chair from Infiniti..heres another pictures of the front.
Heres more picture of the chair!
Solo: is that in sketchup or can you upload that to sketchup so i can download it? -
Good spot Rich, I used JPP, thanks for correcting me.
Hai, yes it's Sketchup, but now after seeing the front I realise mine is not correct, when I get some time later I'll give it another go and post once I finish.
ok sounds good...
Okay, here is the seat part only, the legs should be easy for you I believe.
First a low-ish poly version:
And if you want it higher poly (I think it's better) then here is it:
Yeahhh! Thanks alot Solo i can do the rest from here..
Solo that's pretty sweet man, well done
"king proxy"
Sweet little model - you make it look so easy - Git!
@solo said:
And if you want it higher poly (I think it's better) then here is it:
Unfortunately that's the wrong link
That said, thanks for sharing the chair anyway that's really really kind. Would love to see how you create this sort of thing in SU though. For that matter would just love to know how someone / anyone can take any ordinary everyday object and just know which tools to use to re-create it. Some of the organic shaped things just do my head in as I've just no idea of where to start with them. Any tutorials anyone could point me to would be greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
Strangely that link works for me?????????
As for understanding how members achieve end results for certain models it's best to post where you're having difficulty with a particular model. Most members around here will offer suggestion on how best to approach a particular form/plugin/technique. It's the most efficient way to overcome issues and you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll become proficient at approaching certain issues.
Post your exact problem with modelling the object and the solution will follow.......
@unknownuser said:
Strangely that link works for me?????????
Hmm it works for me too but I thought it was supposed to be of a higher poly chair and not the neon cube?
@unknownuser said:
As for understanding how members achieve end results for certain models it's best to post where you're having difficulty with a particular model.
Well with me that would be the very beginning phase
@unknownuser said:
Most members around here will offer suggestion on how best to approach a particular form/plugin/technique. It's the most efficient way to overcome issues and you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll become proficient at approaching certain issues.
Post your exact problem with modelling the object and the solution will follow.......
Well as mentioned above I wouldn't even know where to start on something like this. Even sometimes when I take a look at what looks like a simple object in my house I just look at it for hours and hours and wonder how something like that would be created.
I'll have to get something and post to see how to make it. I really wish I could just look at an object and see in my mind which tools to use. The main problem is probably that I don't really know what all the plugins do at the moment and so never know the best one to use.
Best wishes,
I messed up, here is the link, you are right that's the cube model.
I'm getting too old for this internet thing, It's just a fad.
@solo said: high poly.skp
I messed up, here is the link, you are right that's the cube model.
I'm getting too old for this internet thing, It's just a fad.
That's really kind of you to share that model, thank you. I had a bit of a problem with painting it in SU though. Not too sure why but when I paint it with a colour then the model still stays grey. I reckon maybe I have some style setting affecting that though maybe?
I would absolutely love to see a vide on how you create these kinds of things. Organic objects just do my head in at the moment. I'd love to be able to take some household object and just know instinctively which tool / plugin to use to model it with.
Best wishes,
@solo said:
I'm getting too old for this internet thing, It's just a fad.
Pete I've heard you say that a few times lately, what's going on mate? Sensing a big 0's birthday coming up or a bum hip or something. Mind you I know myself how little some little things can make one feel a bit older!
Hey bit of mastery on the chair shell mate!
Hi, can i ask you, where i find feature to up poly in sketchup. Its plugin? ... Something like meshsmooth or turbosmooth in 3ds
Solo, how did You texturing on this chair?
SOLO - Pls i have a question regarding this chair - you mentioned you use
" FFD and JPP for the thickness " what do mean with this - Pls help - i need a thickness for a model similar to the chair............ tks. -
see first post.
Mr Solo, you posted "probably not accurate but anyway, I used a basic proxy (half model symmetry modeling), subdivided with 2 iriterations, then adjusted form using FFD, used JPP for thickness subdivided with another 2 iriterations and duplicated flipped and joined."
I would be grateful if you would explain the steps involved in creating this chair.