Speed test
My internet connection is ADSL - which means Asymmetric - i.e. upload speed is lower than download speed. It was really slow with my previous internet connection so I decided to upgrade to a higher connection. I am pretty satisfied with the current result (see below - clicking on the image will take you to the site I used for testing if anyone interested).
Mine is s_l_o_w ['up to 8Mb'] at under half/third of yours but still three times better than it was in my last house out in the countryside !!!
That is some doubtfull
I have 4.5 Meg/s download as result from the site but my real speed maxi is 1 Meg /s -
9.6 down and 10 up. The joys of free uni internet
That is obviously not asymmetric then. Mine is also rather assymmetric than simply asymmetric.
Work PC
Boston to Chicago
Hmm! Pretty low for first server!
But second one...
Now get away, Jeff!
I also live about 200 kms away from the server that was pinged for me.
@unknownuser said:
In the second office location where our internet is provided by a piece of string and 2 cups
Ive got an image in my head of a bloke with a cup in one hand shouting "one, one, zero, one, one..." now
Verizon FIOS
Interesting how the different the ul/dl speeds changed from server to server. Actually was faster with a server further from my location.
My wireless ISP connects between 2 to 6 Mb/s. Guess I am slow. At the office, hard wire is no more then 3, but on the whole seems faster, wounder whats up?????? Seems fast enough for real time youtube viewing. What should I base my requirements on?