Thea Render is about to be launched..(edit available now)
Now, this is delicious...
action toolbar -> tools -> transform -> bitmap
...and this without reading manual (in 2 min) !
Don't mean to brag, but what can I do?
Export .xml SU say Thea not found in:mm what..
Ok, I'm reading the Thea manual and it says that for Mac the current application is 32-bit only. Any news on a 64-bit upgrade?
Unfortunately not, Rick...
We're still in first open beta phase and want to iron things out before a 64-bit application is build... -
@frederik said:
Unfortunately not, Rick...
We're still in first open beta phase and want to iron things out before a 64-bit application is build...Thanks Frederik. But now a (hopefully) simple question:
How does one zoom in and out of Thea? On my Mac, the middle mouse button does zoom, but it would take about 10 minutes of doing that to get to my zoom that I want. In other words, its too precise. Other Mac apps are fine, just Thea.
I'm not on mac myself, so I can't tell...
Have you tried asking about this at the Thea Forum...?? -
@rickgraham said:
@frederik said:
Unfortunately not, Rick...
We're still in first open beta phase and want to iron things out before a 64-bit application is build...Thanks Frederik. But now a (hopefully) simple question:
How does one zoom in and out of Thea? On my Mac, the middle mouse button does zoom, but it would take about 10 minutes of doing that to get to my zoom that I want. In other words, its too precise. Other Mac apps are fine, just Thea.
Latest Build RV350 has been released...
chk out the change log...@unknownuser said:
Changes Log
Thea Render Beta 1.2.3 Revision 350 (30 March 10)
* Fixed ability to select when viewing from a selected camera. (UI) * Reverted to previous revision (341) key bindings for texture button & chip (in material editor). (UI) * Exporting now packages in distinct names (.mat.pack and .tex.pack) from browsers. (UI) * Automatic clip map assignment when loading a bitmap with alpha channel in color/texture controls in material editor. (UI) * Crash fix when right clicking twice in empty space in scene view, accidentally planted in previous public revision (345). (UI) * Removed double click operation to delete textures and browser objects (removal can be done from right click context menu). (UI) * Fixed rendering of infinite plane that was producing artifacts. (all engines) * Improved clay rendering now not replacing perfect reflectors/refractors and keeping material bumps. (biased/clay) * Added preview support when loading and saving scene (visible only through browsers). (I/O) * Added import support of bump/normal mapping from Kerkythea scenes. (I/O) * Added support for browsers to include whole scenes (drag & drop leads to merging). (UI) * Changed exposure of sky/ibl in GL viewport solid drawing mode. (UI) * Added batch pivot centering for all scene models (useful when pivots have been written far off objects making difficult their manipulation). (UI) * Pivot of groups is now correctly loaded/saved (previous revisions were losing that information). (I/O) * Using now correctly the group pivot for instancing brush. (UI) %(#FF0000)[*** Fixed MacOSX mouse-wheel in GL viewport that was too slow. (UI)**]
Just wanted to ask if the WXSU problem (with LightUp among others) has been fixed?
The wxSU has been improved in the SU2TH 0.77beta. 'Sleep' command doesn't crash SU any more. The LightUp message will keep on showing until Adam will decide to remove it.
I am really puzzled by the SU7 (7.1.6860) freezing. It does that without any plugin installed with a fresh, clean SU file. SU doesn't give any info on the reason of the freeze, therefore it is extremely hard to identify a source.
It looks SU lock is not related to SU2TH or WxSU, although I have to check whether re-installation of SU will help.
Thea Render RV370 Beta1.4.1 is now available thought the usual thread (registration required). It will be published later at the public Thea Render download.
This new revision could be entitled the "animation revision", with the camera, light, sun/sky animation and enhanced object/group animation.
Here is a little sample of a unbiased daylight animation.
[flash=425,344:2zcq1ed7][/flash:2zcq1ed7] -
Update on Thea Render
@unknownuser said:
Dear friends
in our brand new revision (382), we have included the latest technology advances regarding our material system; that is the custom Fresnel curve and Thin Film material. These two features give the "extra touch" to Thea's material system being one of the most advanced - if not the one
. We will be happy to see your renders incorporating these features.
Besides our material system "touches", a lot of people will find that things have been made easier now in the studio. First of all, many of the preferences and options of the studio are now automatically saved and restored. There is also a Recent/Favorite/Example scenes option that can be accessed from File menu.
Even more, the navigation in the OpenGL viewport is now improved. Orbiting, panning and zooming take into account the center and clicked point in order for the user to move around (much more naturally with respect to scene scale and position). User movement is not dependent now on the selection or the global frame. We believe that you will find the new navigation much better than before. Also, take note that the Alt key can be used directly now for moving in Maya style (Alt+LeftClick: Orbiting, Alt+MiddleClick: Panning, Alt+RightClick: Zooming).
In the display, there are two options to enhance scene contrast out of the box - Contrast and Chroma. Chroma is a special Thea option where image colors become more saturated - this can help creating more vivid renders.
There are some bug fixes, the most important being the ability to save now an unbiased render in HDR/EXR format keeping the whole dynamic range and the fix for the broken feature of saving the alpha channel within a png image.
Finally, I have to say the following; we have invested a lot of time enhancing Thea with a major feature that it will change the workflow inside the studio. But we decided to make more testing before publishing this feature.
As always, the new revision can be found in the usual thread: regards
Thin Film material:
Body, eyes, wingsMetal with thin oily coating
The custom Fresnel curve:
paint, alcantara -
Holy crap, that fly...
Yeah that thin film material is TRUMPS!
There are your leaves pete!!!
Go for glory now mate!!!
Looks like we in fast update phase... major feature in RV387 is
also a technology announcement - camera response function.