Thea Render is about to be launched..(edit available now)
I think it is unfair. Do you have latest LightUp version installed?
Please notify me if you experience problems with LightUp while having WxSU 0.3 installed. This message must be annoying to you. Does it show up every SU start?I also hope Adam will test the SU-2-Thea plugin and revise his opinion or help me to resolve any potential problems.
@unknownuser said:
I have good understanding?
17€ just for the plugin for your favorite modeler
or 162 € for the standalone version ?
I am not oblige to buy the 2 for use the Plugin?No, the plugin is only to export the model to the standalone renderer (like su2kt to Kerkythea)
And yes, that's the case, Pilou - you have to buy both. The reasoning behind is that if the plugins were free, their price should be incorporated in the main product price. But why incorporate the price of half a dozen plugins and pay about € 100 more when you need only one (or maybe 2-3)?
On the other hand, while a plugin for a free product is still free (see Kerkythea and su2kt), why would the developer of a commercial product expect anyone to make the plugin free?
@solo said:
Actually it's just the open beta being released, the full release will be after a month or so (do not quote me)
I can however say it's friggin awesome, I have been beta testing it and it truly is an amazing piece of software.
Pete, I hope you do not mind that I "borrowed" your render for TDC! It actually looks kind of neat with that little ad on the side.
@unknownuser said:
I think it is unfair. Do you have latest LightUp version installed?
Please notify me if you experience problems with LightUp while having WxSU 0.3 installed. This message must be annoying to you. Does it show up every SU start?I also hope Adam will test the SU-2-Thea plugin and revise his opinion or help me to resolve any potential problems.
I have v1.8a and yes it shows up every time I start SU. I'll let you know if there is any problems with LightUp.
Maybe you should contact Adam to solve this. -
@pixero said:
I have v1.8a and yes it shows up every time I start SU. I'll let you know if there is any problems with LightUp.
Maybe you should contact Adam to solve this.Thank you for the info. I have already contacted Adam. I believe we will resolve it quickly.
Does Thea only run on SU Pro? I only have SU free here in the office and can not get anything to run.
@unknownuser said:
Does Thea only run on SU Pro?
It runs just fine on both versions Pro & Free (6 & 7). I think your SU is not returning proper path when
Sketchup.find_support_file "plugins"
is typed in the Ruby console. If it is the case please send me a PM. -
@unknownuser said:
Does Thea only run on SU Pro? I only have SU free here in the office and can not get anything to run.
Like you I also only have SU 7 free and Thea as well as the SU2TH plugin works fine for me, Scott...
Got it working now....One word....WOW!!!!
@unknownuser said:
I think it is unfair. Do you have latest LightUp version installed?
Please notify me if you experience problems with LightUp while having WxSU 0.3 installed. This message must be annoying to you. Does it show up every SU start?I also hope Adam will test the SU-2-Thea plugin and revise his opinion or help me to resolve any potential problems.
This is about WxSU not playing well with SketchUp. Its not about SU-2-Thea per se - though I appreciate if you've built on WxSU, you'll run into this.
The problem is WxSU does some truly heinous hacks of Ruby to work under SketchUp. Specifically, it tries to hide the problem by lowering the priority of the thread in an attempt to make sure it doesn't run.. Firstly this is a shit solution. Secondly, as soon as somebody sleeps, the thread will be scheduled and if you've not got a WxSU window open, it just breaks.
I tried to get the author of WxSU to address the issue but didn't anywhere and got tired of endless support of LightUp regarding this issue.
@adamb said:
I tried to get the author of WxSU to address the issue but didn't anywhere and got tired of endless support of LightUp regarding this issue.
Thanks Adam for the explanation. I am in contact with Peter and hope to have the 'sleep' issue resolved soon.
@Gaieus thx for the precisions !
Hi Tomasz
I have SU 7.1 free and SU 6 pro installed but SU2TH only shows SU 6 as an install option.
Good news is that SU2TH is very quick.Thanks
@dtrarch said:
SU2TH only shows SU 6 as an install option.??
Hmm. It checks "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Google SketchUp 7\InstallLocation", maybe you have installed SU just for a single user.. Quick solution - install it to C:\TempSU2TH and move all files to SU7\Plugins folder.
@unknownuser said:
@adamb said:
I tried to get the author of WxSU to address the issue but didn't anywhere and got tired of endless support of LightUp regarding this issue.
Thanks Adam for the explanation. I am in contact with Peter and hope to have the 'sleep' issue resolved soon.
Well good luck..
I just downloaded your installer to check the WxSU version and ensure I'm not just becoming grumpy in my old age, and indeed WxSU still has this special code in "App.rb":
# This is the main entry point to the WxSU;;App object. This method performs some thread kludges # so that wxRuby and SketchUp play well together. # After creating an App object with 'new', call 'start' to initiate wxRuby. # For example; # WxSU;; def start if (not is_main_loop_running) @thread = { main_loop } @thread.priority = -1 # Kludge to lower the priority of wx; seems to work really well end return(self) end
Now wash your hands.
I had problems previously with WxSU when Chris Fulmer used it for one of his color plugins and I had to delete it.
It seems now the same problems for me with the SU2TH exporter. Once I use the exporter and call the WxSU plugin, I am able to export to Thea just fine, but to try and go back and continue working in the SU window, I am having SU freeze up. I tried it with three different scenarios, including a simple scene export with just a box. To go back and work in SU after exporting causes SU to lock up. It's the exact same thing that was happening after running Chris's plugin and for me. It was always traced back to the WxSU tie in.
Will give it a try
@earthmover said:
to try and go back and continue working in the SU window, I am having SU freeze up.
Yep. It is an issue that is present in SU7. Surprisingly It doesn't appear in SU6. I believe it is related to how SU deals with separate threads. I need to look at it much closer.
Its really sad! but a fact of life I suppose, that all these plugins sooner or later cause problems. Even my Windows Tools ruby which I wrote last year, now has problems running under SU 7. And it was not till I uninstalled Vray 01.05.30 that all my exiting SU problems went away.
Its almost enough to make me watch Idol or Survivor.....but not quite
Install for V7 worked as you suggested and thanks again.
Quick eval for Thea.
Very technical and full featured.
Not for the point and shoot user that wants a quick and easy output.
Kt as it stands actually seems easier to get to solution for Photon mapped output.
No object animation either.Hmmm?
@pixero said:
@unknownuser said:
@pixero said:
Anyone but me who gets a wxSU warning/error upon SU launch?
It warns about possible problems with other plugins like LightUp.Can you post exact message, please?
SU-2-Thea uses WxSU 0.3 version in which interaction issues with other software has been resolved.Here it is.
Maybe it's LightUp's own wxSU warning?You can disable LightUp warnings like this by opening the Ruby Console and typing:
Sketchup.write_default("LightUp", "Warnings", false)
But be aware that currently WxSU does have fundamental problems working with other plugins.