Castle Howard
@tig said: turn that out so quickly... did they search him for matches ???
(sorry to go off topic momentarily...) Thanks for the bit of history TIG!
I love this stuff.
No, I'm actually positive there were several plans already laid for London before the burning. Most large cities have master plans, even at that time, city planning was a big deal. But that his was chosen over others, there's something to ponder... doubtless much politics involved... same deal now... just look at politics around 1 World Trade today
An amazing piece of work. A wonderful example of what can be achieved with research, diligence and just plain "work a bit at it every day" kind of work. Very nice!
By the way
I do not have any comment until I would say my comment
This design is wonderful
I have two questions
How many years you had worked on this design?
What is the program that you used in Render? -
your questions are answered in his first post.
@jamalito said:
What is the program that you used in Render?
IRender nXt and nXtRender are two versions of the nXt rendering engine integrated into SketchUp. take a look at: IRender nXt
I've been experimenting a bit with field of view, and played around in Photoshop with the result. I need to do something about the glass material, it doesn't look very good...
A grand project! Last render needs environmental reflections for windows and a perspective control lens (shift). Also perhaps instanced grass and displaced gravel. DOF feels a bit unnatural, is that post pro?
Just.. Awesome. I hadn't seen this thread!!
Very impressive. Awesome attention to detail!
I was just curious about those textures on the walls to the left in the last pic?
Does iRender have turbidity as a variable? It would really give your work a feel of distance.
Hi Cyberdactyl, no, unfortunately iRender doesn't do turbidity (yet?). Their image editor offers haze as a post-render processing option, but that didn't do much for this model. And the texture, well, it's a lame attempt at dirtmapping done in Photoshop... I would need procedurals to do it inside the render application, another option iRender doesn't have. I am so hoping some day the Vray people will finally fix their awful latest release, which is unable to render a model this size, and which has been sitting around uselessly on my PC ever since I, misguidedly, bought it...
This great model needs Vue, well done mate.
wow thatยดs so amazing. i Love it the model is so well done
even without shaders it looks amazing, excellent job.
a bit of work with the landscape would be the cherry on the cake.
Congratulations!!! -
@martinph said:
I would need procedurals to do it inside the render application, another option iRender doesn't have.
Hi Martin which version of IRender as you using as IRender nXt has procedural bump maps, and auto texture bumps, the cheaper trimmed down version nXtRender does not.
This is amazing, i love it!
Just seen this and it is AMAZING! I live in the centre of York and have been many times, your model has made me want to go! Inspirational stuff. Makes me feel very humble!
You are my idol MartinPh!
I would like to know more about how you did the details.
great job mate,,,,well done,,,what rendering engine did you use?
Ta -
Absolute fantastic job. Hope to see more renders. Cheers.
please! Can you send model Castle Howard to me?
Thanks for bumping this with your blunt request! Somehow I never saw it before
"It's been a while since I first thought that SU would be an ideal means of creating a 3d vision of Vanbrughs original plan. "
You proved correct,Martin.