Why the dutch are mad
Yesterday i have seen our speedskater Sven Kramer against the american. But what do i read today on the internet see: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1963484_1963490_1964231,00.html
The americans whants to know why we are mad, because we make the olympics a festival for every nation. The answer is very simple. We understand wat everyone must do to come to the olypmics, and we share the thought off bringing the nations togehter.
But we alsno know that the dutch are the best speedskaters off the world
I don't blame you for being pissed about that article. I was quite offended myself by the journalists crude and ignorant tone throughout the first few paragraphs. As an American I find it disheartening that our pompous view of ourselves as overwhelmingly dominant in all matters of sports related importance, and those sports of which we have no stronghold, we criticize as being so irrelevant and boring that they are not worthy of Americans even trying to win. The air about the sentiment is always, we could win in everything if we wanted, but some event are just not worth our time and effort to even bother trying. It is definitely a slap in the face of centuries old traditions of other countries, of which most multi generational Americans know nothing about, as our oldest traditions (which aren't very old) have become nothing more than corporate opportunities to sell gluttony and guilt. Americans would sit and mock the Dutch for their love of speed skating as I'm sure they would for, say the Italians who spend a lifetime preparing for The Palio di Siena. It is unfathomable for most Americans who sit behind a television or keyboard to devote a lifetime to anything based on tradition and even more inconceivable to do it without shooting for some type of monetary payoff.
I agree with earthmover and HvanEssen's feeling concerning that artical. Especially in sports, there is an American bias and arrogance in media. In my opinion, national coverage of golf matches is as interesting as watching paint dry.
Tennis is right up there too. I am sure many people are on the edge of their seats with beer and chips loving every minute of these programs - that's their choice and I assume there are enough watching to justify broadcasting them.
I would never think of mounting a protest against televising either sport, that is why god created the channel changer and off switch. In the USA football is a cult practice that i do enjoy- but the rest of the planet earth is following what we call Soccer and most of them could care less about the Saints big win last week. Some folks just got to stop and think that the world isn't all about "me" and what I like rules.
BTW, congratulations to the Dutch for their victory.
That article is ridiculous. I wouldn't say I would enjoy watching speed skating at all but that comparison with Nascar was really stupid as it is definitely as boring as skating (for me). Now putting anyone off like that because they like one sport or another is simply stupid. I wouldn't even call it "American arrogance" because I believe (hope at least) that the majority of the people are not like this journalist. Probably this is why HE is the journalist...
Examples of one or a few individuals do not define character of a country with over 300 million individuals. I'm proud of the USA and I'm not afraid to say it. BTW, the article notes that the USA is first in overall Olympic speed skating gold medals with 28. Holland and Norway are tied for second with 25 each. It seems that indicates the US speed skaters must have enough love for the sport to want to excel.
I loved the US skier after she got the gold.
"Kearney, in the press conference after her win, said she hoped Canada won a medal "but I'm pleased I have stopped that for now". "
nothing like sportsmanship is there.....and that was nothing like it.
@khai said:
nothing like sportsmanship is there.....and that was nothing like it.
I can't tell what you mean. Does that mean you actually liked her comment, and you thought it was good sportsmanship? Or did you really not care for her comment?
sorry.. I was being sarcastic. to my mind that was a petty comment that showed she was more interested in medals than actually the sportsmanship of taking part.
The most dutch people are mad about sports, and we also enjoyed the super bowl final on dutch TV.
But we also have respect for other countries and there on sports(man). When the dutch fans in the skate arena sheer the do it also for sporters from other country's because we love the sport and there spectators.
By the way, we also do on soccer and we have one of the best teams in the world, but we never win the world titel, perhaps this year. -
@unknownuser said:
hmm, could it be those wooden clogs? Seems they'd be about as comfortable as a wedgie
Before they had these:
the Dutch were barefooot. -
@khai said:
nothing like sportsmanship is there.....and that was nothing like it.
But I knew what you meant
@unknownuser said:
By the way, we also do on soccer and we have one of the best teams in the world, but we never win the world titel, perhaps this year.you are going to have it difficult
Spain is after,
as well
i like the comments about self_criticism in the USA society,
i think it opens the space.cheers
Just been watching the Olympic men's dowhill. Apparently one team employ a guy who's sole function is to stand behind their skiers at the start and shout encouraging phrases - "You're the man" "Go get'em boy" etc
I can't decide, is that a bit mad ? or just rather sad ?
Maybe they're mad cuz they found out they're Dutch.
Why would we be mad because we are Dutch? I'm proud to be Dutch. We have a rich History and great social benefit system. We are the ones who founded NY and most americans are decendents from the Dutch. I agree that the 10 km speedskating can be boring but speedskating is a sport the Dutch practice for a long time ( since 1225 )so we are very proud of our sport
I was just kiddin' . . .Love them Dutch!! Chocolate, Edam cheese, Tulips, Rem Koolhaus