Mac vs PC
Nice effects
After seeing the trailer, I gotta see Part 2
That is awesome!
Does anyone know how those smoke effects are produced? Can this be done in Cinema 4D?
Robots + Guns + One of the hardest choices of all time =
I appreciate the skill and ingenuity involved BUT just hate the fact that the producers felt the need to bring violent into the storyline. The more subtle approach delivers more humor and is more effective for me. There is more than enough violence in the World, no need to see PC and Mac robots beating the crap out of each other.
When I meant smoke, I meant this (a far more constructive use of smoke imo!
Knowing that tfdesign was referring to the dust of demolition in the animation, I have to ask - having lived all of my life in the very seismically-callenged California (and having dealt with how to resist seismic forces all of my professional career) - how in the world do you make a lower story with lots of glass and far-spanning columns work (as the final design shows)? After what we've seen in Haiti, is this really how we (as not only architects and engineers, but also building designers) should be presenting things?
Sorry ... after spending 30 years dealing with this (and having experienced the '83 Coalinga, the '89 Loma Prieta, the '94 Northridge quakes, as well as others that aren't as notorious) it's a little personal to me.
@mtnarch said:
After what we've seen in Haiti, is this really how we (as not only architects and engineers, but also building designers) should be presenting things?
Hi Alan.
Yes, of course it is. Buildings collapse. It's as simple as that. We also have earthquakes in Britain, we've had a couple of tremors recently, but they are so very slight. Smoke or dust is a theatrical thing, remove that, because you don't want to upset others, and you start going down a very slippery slope (pardon the pun!). Britain is full of ghastly 1930's 'horror shows'. They are bland, and often take on a pale, watered-down reflection of the Arts and Crafts movement from the late 1800's. I don't need to know how smoke is made any more (Unity 3D does it really well, and works great with SketchUp too!), but if you watch the narrative of this visualisation, it's about clearing old ground for new. Yes, there is more than a passing resemblance to the terrible scenes in Haiti, but life has to go on in other parts of the world.
Where perhaps we should be projecting our skills as engineers and architects are through providing skills to prevent building collapse because of natural causes, such as earthquakes and severe winds (like tornados) for eg. In 2006, a large (well for English standards anyway), passed over this part of Birmingham, uprooting trees and tossing large vehicles up into the air, but many of the building structures were left standing, because they are made from brick. The devastation you see in places like the USA, is because the majority of buildings trashed by high winds are mobile homes and timber frame structures. Maybe this is for good reason too, because it is a lot cheaper to replace and/or restore.
Is this (the latter paragraph) what you were getting at? As I said, we don't really have a problem with earthquakes in Britain, so it is far easier to get away with buildings, built in the way that a company like Sainsbury's would have desired. Does that make sense?