Multiple file references?
I'm working on my Portfolio that collects samples of my works. I'd like to be able to do this in LO, referencing different skp projects into a single presentation file. Is it possible? As far as I know that seems right now impossible since LO can manage only one reference at time.
Is there some workaround?
Thanx -
Hi Eugenio,
When you are in a LayOut file (started either from scratch or by sending a SU file to LO), if you go to File > Insert, you can insert a whole bunch of file types - including skp files. Just like import in SU and just like you can import several images into SU, you can insert several skp files into LO. Please, have a look at my very simple example where I have a Ref1.skp on page1 and Ref2.skp on page 2 inserted in the layout file below.
Note however that every skp file you insert into your LO document, will also be included inside (an *.layout file is actually a *.zip file and if you rename it to zip, you will even find everything included). This means that your LO file will soon become extremely big in file size if you insert many, big SU files. When working with different scenes/views of the same skp file in LO, it is of course not the case because these views are generated from the same file.
So all in all, just be careful and save often. Or even maybe better to only insert some images of some of the projects (that you need not display dimensioned for instance) but of course you need to know what exactly you are trying to do.
Thanx a lot Gai, you are so precious!