Big Ben
Wow, very nice - I keep coming back to look again.
Wow. That's awesome! When you orbit, does it lag a second before it moves? Because that beauty looks very hi poly! To make it perfect, photo-realistic textures? That would definately look like it is actually a real photo. Stunned by the amount of work you put into that!
Excellent modelling skills. The rest of the houses of parliament building has some crazy amount of detail to it, Sketchup would explode!
Well done!
Amazing Model - how many hours did that take you??
NIce model, Weemus!
Swindel, theres a bit of lag but its pretty workable.
Dermot, i cant remember exactly, but probably in the region of 20-25 hours actual modelling time.
Great detail. Nice work.
....good modelling))) thank you!
Incredible as much detail
master -
11 out of 10 !
However, I must warn you that making 'images' of sensitive public buildings is against the draconian new anti-terrorist laws, so expect a knock on the door at any moment...
Seriously though - incredibleible****ible you...