Happy Yalda
Yalda is an old tradition in Iran
this is the longest night of the year, and people ghater toghether and chatting, reviwing old memories,eating fruits and nuts and also specially reading poems of Hafez ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafez ) ... it is really amzing night....wish you a warm Yalda night beside your family/friends
happy Yalda to you.
Now if you say you rendered that scene, I quit, Majid!
But joking aside; happy Yalda to you and all your family members and friends you spend it with.
Happy Yalda, Majid...!
Never heard of Yalda before, sounds great.
Happy Yalda to you and your family.
Happy Yalda!
Happy Yalda to you!
I hope you enjoy the day, happy Yalda.
Yes, The best to you and your family.
Happy Yuletide !
It can't be a coincidence that the Northern European 'Yule' festival is also at this time of year [it's now more commonly called 'Christmas'!] - AND it sounds too much like 'Yal'[da] for its own good - and it's also a festival of rebirth, candles, light, new-beginning etc...We are all the same beneath the surface...
oh friends/mates , you surprised me , thank you very much for all kind words , last night I was far from my familly- during a jurny- but had a happy small celebration with my friends, chatting drinking, eating.... and agree with Tig , maybe this is a celeberation , that is very old and shows that we , all , all over the world, like the light and even at the darkest and longest night, hope the "light".
wish you happiness, love and peace .Happy Yuletide !