Component Question
I am modeling a wooden toy truck. I have modeled half of the cab (engine and passenger compartment)successfully. The question I have is this: once I have duplicated the component and mirrored it and brought the two pieces together, I now have a line (edge) along the entire length of where the two components join. If I delete an edge, I delete the component. To simplify the geometry, I deleted the face where the components will merge.
I think I'm missing something simple, but I'm stuck. How do I remove that line without deleting or editing the components?
Thanks for your help.

Just hide those lines...Right click > Hide, or Shift+Eraser tool
@d12dozr said:
Just hide those lines...Right click > Hide, or Shift+Eraser tool
I knew it had to be that simple! Thank you, d12dozr. BTW, for other newbies like me, in order to hide the lines, I double-clicked on the component to put into into an editable state, then I selected the lines I wanted to be hidden et voilà!
And a tutorial about how to create a hidden seam here: -
@d12dozr said:
Just hide those lines...Right click > Hide, or Shift+Eraser tool
Well, maybe there's another thing to think about.
You might find hiding very useful when stuff is in the way. Hide, fixup stuff blocked by the hidden stuff, unhide. Ooops! You just brought back geometry you never wanted to see again.
I recommend adding a layer. I call mine "hidden". Stuff you want permanently hidden is moved to that layer. Then you can't accidentally unhide it.
@martinrinehart said:
You might find hiding very useful when stuff is in the way. Hide, fixup stuff blocked by the hidden stuff, unhide. Ooops! You just brought back geometry you never wanted to see again.
I admit, that's happened to me, but now I use the Edit>Unhide>Last function; or turn on hidden geometry, select the geometry, and Edit>Unhide>Selected. Thanks for the tip!