Sketchup CUDA or OpenCL supports WANTED
I wish the up coming version of Sketchup would have CUDA and OpenCL support so that people can use their Nvidia graphic card to accelerate their work without throwing too much money for a Quadro/FireGL. Those professional cards are just not so cost effective to a lot of us..
Nobody wants it?
Please give some support if there is anyone who wants it...... -
Which part of sketchup would benefit from running on hundreds of threads at once?
I also have a very big question mark over my head. SketchUp is already hardware accelerated.
I have found that the best way to "accelerate work without throwing too much money" is to turn off Instant Messaging. Turning off your cellphone might also help in some cases.
i woudn't worry much about that hydra...
sketchup doesn't recognise or run better on a quadro ou fire gl won't even make a diference if you're using a geforce gtx 285 1G or a geforce gtx260/250 1g so don't worry about gaining performance with professional cards, because you won't.Sorry
Je me posais la meme question concernant une version de sketchup cuda surtout pour l'exportation d'animation video en full HD. Parceque une demi heure pour 4 scenes en full HD lol trop long...
I asked myself the same question about a version of sketchup cuda mainly for export animation video in full HD. For 1/2hour for 4 scenes in full HD too long ...
Option: 1920x1080 25pictures/s Codec Divx 4core profil FullHD
PC QuadCore Q6600 4GoRam GT220 512ram Windows 7 sketchup 7