Sketchup for a livng?
I've been using SU in work for about 5 years mainly with cad and other software. From March 08 to April 09 I was employed in an architects practice full time as a sketchup modeller, I should have known it could never last! I try to fit SU into my current job as much as possible.
I make 99% living using SketchUp whether it is interior design or architecture work . It makes me understand the design better but it also helps me to convey the message to the client. With the use of this simple and fast program I can say that I have gained a competitive edge over many others out there who still are communicating in 2D and probably use 3D only at final stage for presentation purposes.
I also use sketchup 90% of the time to support myself/family... architectural modelling, gaming models, models for renders, etc..
I don't think I would have got a job without sketchup!! Very powerful design tool. I use it most of the time for architectural visuals.....but I also play with it too!
I think I play with SketchUp much more than I work with it...
But hey, that's the way I learn.
Answering the thread question, yes, during the last months SketchUp has become my main software for working.
I am an intern at an architecture firm. I would say that about 50% of the work I do here is with SU. So for me I am making $$ using it, however; as a whole it it only one of the many tools my co. uses.
I have periods of time where I use it every day all day, for months on end. Then, depending on the project I might not touch it for weeks. But I would estimate 60% and growing.
I use SU for about 70% of my work. I am learning Max right now, but I gotta say, there's a lot of stuff that SU does better as far as architecture goes. Max is great for other stuff. I teach SU to Interior Design Students as part of a perspective drawing class at a business college. Su is a big part of my life. But I AM STILL not on SU 7. Why? oh Why? I just like 6 better.
Actually I liked 5 better. . . .but alas. I will be going to 7 soon. Or should I just hang out and wait for 8?
@unknownuser said:
I But I AM STILL not on SU 7. Why? oh Why? I just like 6 better.
what? 7 will cut lines if you draw one over the other.. that's reason enough to move to 7
And the way it handles large models more effeciently