Sketchup for a livng?
my job is creating a finished product but i use sketchup for designing that product.. not sure if that counts as making a living using sketchup but i've used it with every single project for the past few years..
I do City Planning and Landscape Architecture, and yes, I use SketchUp regularly in my professional work. For design concepts and finished graphics and animations.
But I also come home from work and play with it endlessly
I think i've mad about ยฃ300 over the course of the last year from sketchup work, so definitely occasional work on the side for me
Yep. I earn my entire living from using SketchUp all day long.
The only downside is that it normally requires me to model stuff that's either too difficult or too time consuming for most other people...otherwise they'd model it themselves. -
I make a living with it as well. In my day job I use it about 50% of the time for Arch Viz. And in the evenings... well Alan who posted right above me is my boss
I am a one man band, and only get to ues it for about 10% of my work:-)
I'm a freelancer, I'd say I use SU for about 40% of my modeling, however the part I am paid for is the final render or animation.
I've been using SU in work for about 5 years mainly with cad and other software. From March 08 to April 09 I was employed in an architects practice full time as a sketchup modeller, I should have known it could never last! I try to fit SU into my current job as much as possible.
I make 99% living using SketchUp whether it is interior design or architecture work . It makes me understand the design better but it also helps me to convey the message to the client. With the use of this simple and fast program I can say that I have gained a competitive edge over many others out there who still are communicating in 2D and probably use 3D only at final stage for presentation purposes.
I also use sketchup 90% of the time to support myself/family... architectural modelling, gaming models, models for renders, etc..
I don't think I would have got a job without sketchup!! Very powerful design tool. I use it most of the time for architectural visuals.....but I also play with it too!
I think I play with SketchUp much more than I work with it...
But hey, that's the way I learn.
Answering the thread question, yes, during the last months SketchUp has become my main software for working.
I am an intern at an architecture firm. I would say that about 50% of the work I do here is with SU. So for me I am making $$ using it, however; as a whole it it only one of the many tools my co. uses.
I have periods of time where I use it every day all day, for months on end. Then, depending on the project I might not touch it for weeks. But I would estimate 60% and growing.
I use SU for about 70% of my work. I am learning Max right now, but I gotta say, there's a lot of stuff that SU does better as far as architecture goes. Max is great for other stuff. I teach SU to Interior Design Students as part of a perspective drawing class at a business college. Su is a big part of my life. But I AM STILL not on SU 7. Why? oh Why? I just like 6 better.
Actually I liked 5 better. . . .but alas. I will be going to 7 soon. Or should I just hang out and wait for 8?
@unknownuser said:
I But I AM STILL not on SU 7. Why? oh Why? I just like 6 better.
what? 7 will cut lines if you draw one over the other.. that's reason enough to move to 7
And the way it handles large models more effeciently