If this would be from a SF movie...
Sitting ducks!!!
Now I'll have nightmares, Oliver.
Another name proposal for the OP: Invisible man and invisible woman go to space.
Oh, it's so funny! I like what's going on here
what's up miguel? you not appreciate the sight of MJ crotch?! haha
It's the lack of a proper nose what gives me nightmares.
Another name proposal: The Plasticine Chair Brothers vs. The Aliens Who Want To Sit In Them... or "On Them"? Sorry, I did not complete all English levels.
@ecuadorian said:
It's the lack of a proper nose what gives me nightmares.
Another name proposal: The Plasticine Chair Brothers vs. The Aliens Who Want To Sit In Them... or "On Them"? Sorry, I did not complete all English levels.
If others are aliens too, then "in" or "on" or "after" or "any were" doesn't matter. "Hitchikers guide to the galaxy" definitely.
I couldn't help it. MJ likes his new cream dancing podiums.
This is his new album cover:
"sketcuppers guide to the galaxy"? lol