If this would be from a SF movie...
Michael Jackson's 'Scream' video?
I know it's not a movie but that's what it reminded of.
Walter the Farting Dog.
Wallace and Gromit in: 3001 a Space Odyssey.
Sitting ducks!!!
Now I'll have nightmares, Oliver.
Another name proposal for the OP: Invisible man and invisible woman go to space.
Oh, it's so funny! I like what's going on here
what's up miguel? you not appreciate the sight of MJ crotch?! haha
It's the lack of a proper nose what gives me nightmares.
Another name proposal: The Plasticine Chair Brothers vs. The Aliens Who Want To Sit In Them... or "On Them"? Sorry, I did not complete all English levels.
@ecuadorian said:
It's the lack of a proper nose what gives me nightmares.
Another name proposal: The Plasticine Chair Brothers vs. The Aliens Who Want To Sit In Them... or "On Them"? Sorry, I did not complete all English levels.
If others are aliens too, then "in" or "on" or "after" or "any were" doesn't matter. "Hitchikers guide to the galaxy" definitely.
"sketcuppers guide to the galaxy"? lol