Windows 7
To me, the best thing about Win7 is its support for legacy software, and older peripheral hardware.
Ahh John come from Wakefield! I went to school there; QEGS, you may know it?
I have windows 7 ultimate running on my mac and while it does initially seem more stable than vista.....I cant help but think its pretty much the same.
They need to start fresh and reinvent.
Day 1
Not going too badly so far. Only minor annoyance during installation is that i had to start clean as i was running vista ultimate, and for whatever reason you cant 'upgrade' to a 'lower' version of windows 7. Really needed a clean install, though, so might as well get it out the way now.install itself was very easy, just click and leave it whirring away for an hour or so and hey presto.
Now to reinstall everything.
@olishea said:
Ahh John come from Wakefield! I went to school there; QEGS, you may know it?
Indeed I do know it, though I'm not originally from Wakefield and certainly did not attend those hallowed halls
My first proper job as an architect was just across the road, though, at David Lyons Associates (as they were then known) on St John's North.
haha small world
I saw your website...the mamas and papas that at the side of the railway line? If so I used to go past it everyday on the way to that god forsaken school! I used to watch it being built!
Win7 arrived here yesterday, but there is still no pricing info. They did not bring the Ultimate version, so Win 7 Professional 64-bits is the highest I'll be able to get when I decide to take the plunge. When I tried to install the RC1 weeks ago it kept nagging about missing drivers for my LG optical unit (only two months old), so I'm not convinced yet.
BTW: See Linus Torvalds giving a thumb up to Windows 7:
Of course, Linus was just joking.Anyway, now for some fun at the expense of Apple's desperation... -
Has anyone here installed the 64bit on a macbook pro? i hear its a little work.
Think I'm going to download it tonight. High five to $30 student discount!
Kyle, there is a site where a bunch of guys installed it on a mac pro (I will try find it)
Good news is that it runs better than Snow leopard on a Mac. -
Sweet. Thanks a bunch
Yeah i need it for the autodesk products. I'm excited to have two good OS's to work with
@olishea said:
haha small world
I saw your website...the mamas and papas that at the side of the railway line? If so I used to go past it everyday on the way to that god forsaken school! I used to watch it being built!
Yep - we have phases 3 and 4 in for Planning right now. Desperately need that job to go ahead, work is very tight right now.
I can't be bothered upgrading from Vista (x64) to Windows 7.
All works at it should so why would I want to change OS.The only reason to upgrade for me is when I would buy a new PC.
I am not going to tangle with all the installed stuff on my box because Microsoft says it's better... -
Windows 7 Day 3
Now I've pretty much all the software I need and use installed I can really make an honest assessment. So far there has only been one issue that I've noticed. The lightscribe function on the DVD drive is not recognized. But I only used this once so I'm not concerned
With everything installed and the system tray a little more active there has been a dip in speed compared with just Windows installed.
It still manages moving or copying large files alot better than any other version. The battery is definitely operating longer than with Vista.
Truth be told I'm a little unimpressed after all the hype. Sure it wipes the floor with Vista in terms of hogging resources. But it's still Vista with an XP mode tagged on.
I'm gonna trial it for a month and if after that it still doesn't seem impressive I'm migrating back to XP 64bit SP3.
Just upgraded. I doesn't recognize my card reader... (Magically it does now!)
Any more real-world experiences with Windows 7, SketchUp and rendering software?
I'm torn between upgrading to Windows 7 or buying a netbook. I'm in XP 32-bit right now.
Sketchup is running fine on my machine, no noticeable change in performance. All the renderers i use are working fine so far, as well (indigo and twilight.) Anything in particular your worried/interested about ecuadorian?
Thanks for the reply, Remus.
I'm worried about all my older software, some of which no longer get updates from the developer (PD particles comes to mind). How good is the virtual XP mode?
I'll see if i can find any xp specific software and give it a go
Anyone got any freeware xp only stuff they want to try out? i couldnt tihnk of anything off the top of my head
On another note, ive noticed chrome slows down a lot sometimes. Its really annoying when it happens, as the whole thing freezes up for a few seconds while following links. restarting seems to solve it, but itd be much better if it didnt happen in the first place.
I have VPC, and VS installed on a WinXp. From what I see on the MS VM forums, VWinXp on Win7 adds hardwired code for VMs, better access to multi core, and usb ports (this is a big deal for VMs). Besides legacy software, other reasons to run VWinXP, include access to hardware that has no drivers for vista, and Win7. Fantastic for older large scale printers or plotters.