Please help me setting up an A1 Layout.
I'd like to know which option is better in terms of performance and stability, since I'll have to push my computer to its limits:
it's a presentation of a restoration project that will be drawn on many A1 drawings with both 2d and 3d views.
I've received the plans and elevations of the existing building saved in Autocad format. After converting them to Sketchup, I'd like to compose all in Layout 2.1.
These Autocad drawings are quite dense, with a lot of details, and the building is itself complex: another castleMy question is following: is it better to save each elevation (or plan, section cut, ecc)in a separate file and join them in different frames in layout? or is it better to make a big 'pre-layout' inside Sketchup and use only one big frame to display it in Layout?
I would definitely work with a single SU file. Make scenes as you wish to see them (3d perspective, 2d-sectioncut-ortho etc.) and after importing the file in LO, in the SketchUp Model dialog you can select any scene you wish.
thank you Csaba,
I'll follow your hint.
I was frightened that Layout 2 would not dwell well with a big and complex drawing and took the precaution to work with separated files,
then I noticed the big file was working as good as the othersss,
so I guess it is the best option too,
Layout 2 is strong ยก
yes, you are right Juan, I'm experiencing that Layout 2.1 is very solid and stable.
@matteo said:
yes, you are right Juan, I'm experiencing that Layout 2.1 is very solid and stable.
Yes and no, in an odd way. I go for days without any problems at all in LO and then suddenly (with the same model!) have a patch where it blows up anytime I look at it the wrong way. I had a spate of total 'poof' crashes a couple of weeks ago; no crashlog, no bugsplat, nothing, just ... gone.