[REQ] - Intersection Tools
here's an example skp to help explain what i'm talking about.. it's sort of a challenge i guess
[each rib ends up identical so in this case i make a component so i only have to do the clean up on one rib but most circumstances don't allow this.. just pretend all the ribs end up differently]
also, bool tools will not work in this case because it doesn't see the individual ribs as a solid.. (+ you have to make the cutting plane into a solid which can often be more hassle than it's worth)
with the requested ruby, all you would have to do is click the cutting surface an viola, everything on the desired side is intersected and erased..
Should be already doable with a section cut plane and the zorro2 plugin. I may be mistaken, but I believe it's Whaat's plugin that adds the functionality to have a section plane also be a cutting plane.
Here's a little video to demonstrate. http://screencast.com/t/4mkgHHWwUZxP
Ahh, yes, makes sense now. I sincerely hope one of the scripters looks into making a tool to do this. It is a very tedious process and would be very useful.
re: arail1's post in this thread....
an option could be added to Intersection Tools that instead of deleting certain geometry, a color warning that parts are in fact overlapping..
in my mind, this warning function is very similar to what i've requested and would fit in nicely with this hypothetical plugin.. -
BoolTools doesn't do this? I've never used it, but that looks like standard boolean operations, more or less?
@chris fullmer said:
BoolTools doesn't do this? I've never used it, but that looks like standard boolean operations, more or less?
in some circumstance, yes, booltools does this.. there are limitations though in that it works best when intersecting two solid objects (ie a sphere and a cube)
however, it won't work if you want to intersect non-solids or multiple objects (you can for instance intersect a beam and a cube but you can't do two beams and a cube).. it also won't work with a surface only such as the example skp i posted..
but yeah, i know this request is possible because of what booltools is capable of (or maybe not?
maybe this could be a feature request for booltools if Whaat is tuning in?
self quote == "however, it won't work if you want to intersect non-solids or multiple objects "
i take that back.. booltools will allow for multiple objects to be intersected.. the grouping/components just have to be right (no nesting etc)
so yeah, booltools is actually a lot closer to what i'm after.. i'm wondering how hard it would be for whaat to make it work with a surface instead of a solid..
ok, so i'm an idiot
booltools does in fact do pretty much everything i was hoping it would.. i've tried this at least 10x before but i guess i always had nested components in there.. i can certainly live with making a solid cutting surface because it's a gazillion times better than manually deleting everything..
so that skp i posted above ....
Simplicity wins again one more time -
(oops - sorry for the caps lock but I am lazy to retype