[Plugin] 2D Tools
What you are asking for is an Trim/Extend like CAD where you select the Line(s) etc to Trim/Extend to and then the ones to be edited. The first set doesn't change (unless it's also in the second set !), the second set is adjusted as expected - extending/trimming to the projection of a selected line if appropriate...
In CAD many users use Fillet as a Trim/Extend Tools by setting the value=0 and working on just 2 picked Edges.
The separate Trim/Extend works as outlined above...I'll think about a separate Tool...
Here's v2.7 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=185760#p185760
New 2D Polygon Tool added. Similar to 2D Circle BUT can specify number of Sides NNs, length of a Side NNNx OR Radius NNN etc... 2D Circle tool alignment to second-picked point corrected. Help files updated. New tool's Icons added - also CADfather's alternative set updated temporarily until he adds his own...
Here's v2.8 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=185760#p185760
2D Circle and 2D Polygon adjusted - Rotation of 'ghost' ngon/circle drawn as you look to pick the second-point now matches the final one - with vertex at second-point picked...
When snapping to midpoint and click, the cursor jumps to the midpoint of the resulting segment
@dan said:
...that ArchiCAD "adjust" tool...
Indeed, it's a CAD-like tool.
I use it in ArchiCAD very often, as I said, and I think it would expand SU poor native 2D possibilities even further.Thanks for updating and for your hard work, generally!
@dedmin said:
When snapping to midpoint and click, the cursor jumps to the midpoint of the resulting segment
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IstNF3U73n0This is a mystery ! I recently added the line inferencing stuff. It seems to work for all other snaps, but as you make multiple segment lines it needs to make a 'leapfrog', making ipoint1 ipoint2, clear ipoint2 etc. For some reason I haven't fathomed if the last snap was the midpoint of an edge then the copy! of the ipoint1 knows it's the mid-point of that edge BUT since that edge has been 'halved' it moves to the edge's new mid-point ... I think I have a fix...
Here's v2.9 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=185760#p185760
2D Line mid-point inference glitch fixed.
I can't wait for 2D Tools v3.0
This is the most updated plugin. And the shortest time betwen versions. Google Team could learn something from here... Thank you TIG! -
Amazing. I can't keep up! But I will, because this is probably the best plugin ever. I've been searching for these functionalities in SU since day one. Which was Sketchup 2, I think.
Wonderful work TIG. Thank you!
K Tools/geometry/make L with radius set to [0] will do the Cad clean/join
thing for 2d work.
I set a keystoke [K] (surprise)just enter and select the lines to be cleaned and 'that's all folks'.Check it out.
Thanks again and again for all your "good works".
@newone said:
I can't wait for 2D Tools v3.0
This is the most updated plugin. And the shortest time betwen versions. Google Team could learn something from here... Thank you TIG!is it ever fast, if you look at the first post 2.9 came out before 2.8 .
now thats fast.
TIG, Hope this wasn't asked before, but if I open 2d#.rb and see:
TIG (c) 2009
loads 2D tools...
v2 Reworked 20090909
require 'sketchup.rb'
load '2Dtools/2D#loader.rb'And, I want to check which version is installed, will 200909(09) tell me that this is v2.9 ? Thanks.
@honoluludesktop said:
TIG, Hope this wasn't asked before, but if I open 2d#.rb and see:
TIG (c) 2009
loads 2D tools...
v2 Reworked 20090909
require 'sketchup.rb'
load '2Dtools/2D#loader.rb'And, I want to check which version is installed, will 200909(09) tell me that this is v2.9 ? Thanks.
Good idea - from now on I'll put the latest version/date into '2d#.rb'...
Dear TIG,
Perhaps you could just put your edit history (cut and paste) at the front of the script, as you usually do.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Master Tig
I cannot express how much I appreciate your 2d drawing plugin.
The arc and circle tools are very useful additions. So much so, could they be made to work in 3d?
My arc tool still does not read the angle in the VCB, not sure why, a minor inconvenience.
In addition, just another thought, could the 2D Set Z-Plane set the drawing to the top view, turn off model axes, move the origin to the lower left hand corner and make a set of construction lines for the X and Y axes.
Again thanks for all work and time
I'm wondering if the "Set Z Plane" tool allow the user to physically manipulate a "ghost" plane of some kind to set the drawing plane.
For example, you click on the Set Z plane button and a Ghost Plane appears. The user can then manipulate the plane with the move and rotate tools. You could move the plane up by 10' and rotate the plane 45 degrees, right click and choose accept as drawing plane, the ghost plane disappears and all the tools would then be locked to that plane at that angle.
This would be beneficial for using the 2D tools in a 3D world. If you could snap a ghost plane somewhere on your 3D model and lock the tools at that height and angle, it would allow you to draw freely using CAD style tools, without the annoyance of snapping and inferencing while trying to draw flat.
Just a thought.
Great idea. I like it.
thax again dear master TIG ...for all you are doing for us...
but 2d hatch never worked for me ,at any version... what do you guess?
also it is a while that I've lost "search panel" beside my explorer, does it depends on? -
A newbie here wanting to say many thanks.
thanks cool plugin