Dynamic Component - Seating Platform
Thanks Chris!
Here is the file. Like I said, The only thing I'd like to have change is the leg height.
OK Pat, I got a version up and running. I've uploaded a model that contains the Dynamic component.
Select the DC risers, and open the DC options window. And you can set how many legs it should have, and also turn on and off each chair individually and turn on and off the side rails.
See if that is what you had in mind.
EDIT: File removed because it was not quite right. A better moedl is posted below. -
Toggling the chairs on and off = excellentToggling the right and left rails on and off = fantastic
Could you make a state for the "rear" rail?
I am not sure of the correlation between the legs and the height. The platform will always have four legs, I just need to be able to directly specify the overall height of the legs.
Again, I truly appreciate your willingness to share!
I just got to thinking of something you might like to know
These are the heights that our risers can be adjusted to: from a low of 4" to a high of 72" in 2 " increments.
Not sure if this is useful but I thought I'd throw it out there!
Oh I see, based on the component you posted, I thought that the legs could be added in 18" increments. So adding a leg, just adds 18" to the height.
I'll fix it so it goes from as low as 4, up to 72. And I'll make the back rail turn on and off. Maybe by tonight,
Thanks Chris...that sounds right!
Can I ask, do you have a job that you use sketchup for or is this just a hobby?
Thanks again for your generosity!
Pat -
Oh, its both. Its a hobby, but I do get to use it for work a lot. I started using it for school work in landscape architecture, but I'm interested in all sorts of 3d and visualization technologies (but I prefer SU and use it the most, along with the Adobe Suite).
So its both. But I do this kind of stuff as a hobby, and to keep me current with the things I don't get to do at work (I have not taken the time to work DC's into my work-workflow yet).
Right on man! That is beautiful!
Now what I am going to do is start breaking it apart so I can figure out how to do this on my own!
Thanks again,
Cool, good luck Pat. Let me know if you have questions.