[Plugin] Sculpt Tools v 1.0...
I found this video which explains how to use the sculpt tools,
drawing first from scratch in sandtools that I never knew ¡
Though it is explained in Turkish, i think, it is clear enough .Cheers
- topic:timeago-later,7 months
This Plugin is great , thanks bro
- topic:timeago-later,8 months
Cool plugin. Working in Sketcup 2013.
Thanks!!!! - topic:timeago-later,23 days
Got a bit of a problem using Sculpt Tools here, as I'm using Sketchup 8, which I've heard is supposedly incompatible with the plugin. After reading some earlier posts, it seems that I have to uninstall all my plugins and then reinstall them for Sculpt Tools to work.
Thing is, it loads just fine, but it does nothing when I select bulge/smooth/drag whatever. I tried left/right clicking and pressing the arrow keys. It does absolutely nothing.
Am I using it right, or do I have to uninstall and then reinstall my other plugins?
BTW, if I simply cut and pasted all my plugins from the Sketchup folder to a backup folder, installed Sculpt tools and then re-pasted the plugins back into Sketchup plugin folder, would that work?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
- topic:timeago-later,2 months
@skyways128 said:
Got a bit of a problem using Sculpt Tools here, as I'm using Sketchup 8, which I've heard is supposedly incompatible with the plugin. After reading some earlier posts, it seems that I have to uninstall all my plugins and then reinstall them for Sculpt Tools to work.
Thing is, it loads just fine, but it does nothing when I select bulge/smooth/drag whatever. I tried left/right clicking and pressing the arrow keys. It does absolutely nothing.
Am I using it right, or do I have to uninstall and then reinstall my other plugins?
BTW, if I simply cut and pasted all my plugins from the Sketchup folder to a backup folder, installed Sculpt tools and then re-pasted the plugins back into Sketchup plugin folder, would that work?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I have the same issue in SU2014, is this plugin outdated now? The only other free sculpt tool I can find seems to only work with pro (DM_artisan). It seems quite hard to browse the plugin wh, as people may use different terms, languages, or even misspellings to classify their work. Can anyone point me to a plugin that is similar, or how to get this to work with SU 2013 or (preferably) 2014? thx
I would say it is outdated. Last updated in 2009, and the author hasn't added to this thread since Oct 2010.
Has anyone tried to contact the the author?
@jim said:
I would say it is outdated. Last updated in 2009, and the author hasn't added to this thread since Oct 2010.
Has anyone tried to contact the the author?
So, what does everyone use to sculpt? I need to make a bush/hedge. I don't want it to be all boxy, what can I use?
Many use Artisan by whaat, or ThomThom's Vertex Tools. These are both very reasonably priced, and, I think Artisan has a demo offer.
@mitcorb said:
Many use Artisan by whaat, or ThomThom's Vertex Tools. These are both very reasonably priced, and, I think Artisan has a demo offer.
TT's vertex has a trial, thx. Waanna learn how to use these things, and see if they will work for me/my project before paying $40, and I had problems getting artisan to do anything, it just stayed grey like i had already used up the trial. I'm gonna try Vertex tools, which I had no idea were similar to artisan
While looking for directions on the use of vertex tools, I realized that the sandbox tools seem to be at least a minimal version for doing this type of work. Anyone like me, that didn't know this, use the free and native tool by enabling it in window/preferences/extensions, then enable the toolbar in view.
The Sandbox tools work only in the Z direction. But you can do your "sculpting" on the ground group, then tilt it up when you need to.
- topic:timeago-later,4 months
the Sculpt Tools plugin is in .rb, but sketchup pro can't install it. It seems that I can only install .rbz...
Can anyone teach me how to install .rb file in sketch up pro? Thanks a lot! -
@bwantedstar said:
the Sculpt Tools plugin is in .rb, but sketchup pro can't install it. It seems that I can only install .rbz...
Can anyone teach me how to install .rb file in sketch up pro? Thanks a lot!Change the .zip extension into .rbz ,then install it
@bep said:
@bwantedstar said:
the Sculpt Tools plugin is in .rb, but sketchup pro can't install it. It seems that I can only install .rbz...
Can anyone teach me how to install .rb file in sketch up pro? Thanks a lot!Change the .zip extension into .rbz ,then install it
Installed successfully!! Thank you very much!!
- topic:timeago-later,4 months
Does anyone know if there is a script that works like the smooth tool in this, almost like a relax brush? i use this alot but its non responsive in 2015
Not free but well worth the money.
http://sketchucation.com/plugin/828-dm_artisan -
checking artisan it only seems to have a relax selection function is it possible for anyone who is savy with ruby script to pull the smooth brush out of this set and make it available for 2015??
- topic:timeago-later,7 months
will this plugin ever be updated for 2014?