Guide Point and Line
Has anyone noticed that when you create a Guide point and line using the Tape tool, both the Point and Line appear as a single entity (Sketchup::ConstructionPoint)?
Yes, the base-cpoint and its cline are regarded as one cpoint.
A lone cpoint is one cpoint.
Alone cline is one cline ! -
hmm.... and the entity only has the methods of a CPoint, nothing to that relates to CLine, so there's no way of knowing it's properties either. ...annoying...
The cpoint_with_cline is treated as if it were a lone cpoint at the picked point - i.e. the end of the line with the cpoint attached. The bit of line is ignored, you can't snap to it as if it were a normal cline !
The cpoint_with_cline has the cline permanently attached and it cannot be removed separately...To get rid of the cpoint's cline try this...
model=Sketchup.active_model;ss=model.selection;ents=model.active_entities;ss.clear;cpts=[];ents.each{|e|(cpts.push(e.position);ss.add(e))if e.kind_of?(Sketchup;;ConstructionPoint)};ss.each{|e|e.erase!};cpts.each{|p|model.active_entities.add_cpoint(p)} ### or could be reworked to apply to a selection... ;ents=ss.to_a;