Animation, rotation
I know that you can do a simple animation, such as a wheel rotating on Sketchup. I have seen it done. I would like to take my model of a water wheel and attempt to make the wheel rotate around a center axis. I understand this has do with layering and making scenes but am not sure how to do that.
I've tried but can't get the layers to actually copy. As a beginner, a lot of the tutorials I have seen are a little over my head and was wondering if anyone had an EASY way of telling me how to correctly make the different layers and placing them into scenes.
Thanks for any help!
(blatant self promotion)
have you seen this tutorial?
If youve got any specific questions feel free to ask...
Hi Mary,
Actually, when first saw your water mill, I thought I'd surprise you with a little animation, it "desires" for it so much. But then I was either busy or lazy (you decide).
Anyway, (one) way to go with this is to
- copy rotate the wheel (see "Radial arrays" when scrolling down here) as many times as frames you want in your animation - say divide 360 by 36 (this will make 36 frames) so make 35 copies (36 with the original) and rotate each copy by 10 degrees.
- put the copies on separate layers one by one
- make as many scenes as layers you have in your animation and in each scene only turn on the visibility of one layer while keep the rest hidden.
- go onlike this; next scene > next layer visible (with a slightly rotated copy) and so on...
- in Window > Model info > Animation, set the transition to something very short and uncheck scene delay below completely.
- start/export your animation...
Edit: Remus beat me. He's using "linear arrays" in that tutorial but the main idea and technique practically speaking is the same.
Pilou, we are in the newbie forum (again)! One has to learn to walk before running.
Use the plug mover by cmd
The more easy for animate something in SUAnd if you want more subtle take a look at SketchyPhysics3
by CPhillips
But maybe not for a beginner -
He wants an
@unknownuser said:EASY way
mover is the more easy even against the system of layer -
LOL, thanks everyone. I will work on trying to animate my little wheel. And by EASY, I guess I meant something a newbie could understand and follow. I do understand that easy is a very relative term!
Oh Sorry I am so confused
I did'nt seen the text only the problem -
@unknownuser said:
Oh Sorry I am so confused
I did'nt seen the text only the problemHehe... No, me sorry, Pilou; it was a "cheap" revenge from me.
And the flowers are very gentle from you, I hope Mary can make that animation after all this.
Arrrgh! this is all making me feel like such an idiot!!!!! I have made the array but can not for the life of me figure out how to put the copies onto layers. I'm just not getting this. I've watched the video on youtube about layers and I don't seem to understand. I understand the concept of what to do, just not HOW. Am I making this too hard?
I'm such a visual person, I need someone to show me how to do this and then I can figure it out. Trying to do this from written instructions is just driving me crazy! Oh well, I'll keep trying and maybe I'll eventually figure this out.
Of course you have remarked when you have increased the time of the scene transition (Model Info/animation)
the object makes some foolish rotations
Why? It's because Group has a bad axes!
So for rotate an object you must use "Component" and give it his own axis of rotation !
(not possible for a group)All will works fine with that!
For just translation groups are sufficient
And don't forget
Select scene
Select group (or component for rotation)
Move it (or rotate it)
Remember position of selection(all the time this is not made of forgotten)
If you want you can make anything else zoom move rotate the scene
Update scene
Select scene...etcPs As said in the text help you can't save the animation, so you must record the animation screen by prog like Camstudio (free) or similar!
Have fun animating -
Hello Mogo girl
The layer method is some painfulmover.rb is the one
(but see next post after reading this one!)
Some thing like this?
With only 3 scenes you will have perfect rotation
(I don't know who is the author : lines follow are from cmd)@unknownuser said:
How To Use:
- Place the mover.rb and the mover_extensions folder into the Plugins directory
- The position of the components (position and orientation of the component axis) are tied to the scene.
- Create your scenes
- Engage the 1st SketchUp Scene where you want the animation to start
- Select your component/s you want to animate and place them in the needed position and orientation. While they are selected go to Plugins > "Remember Position of Selection"
The position of the selected components will now be tied to that specific scene. - Repeat Step 2 for the following scene.
When you are finished, when you click on each scene, the models will automatically transition.
- If you scale the component, you may see some strange animation transitions. Be sure to "scale definition" to correct the problem.
- You will not be able to export this animation through SketchUp. If you try, the components will remain stationary.
@mogogirl said:
...I have made the array but can not for the life of me figure out how to put the copies onto layers...
Right click > Entity info > and change the layer there. Of course, you need to have the layer already created.
By George, I think I've done it!!!!! I need a few adjustments before I publish it here for you but I will try to have that done later today. It's not brain surgery...but I sure am proud of I'll let you know as soon as I have a decent animation to show.
What a suspense!
What method was used: that is a terrible wait -
Cool,Mary. You only need to grasp the concept once and from then on, it will seem to be easy. Such "layered and scened" animations are always a bit of a hasle however so once you understand the logic, you may really wish to look into plugins that automate and make this process easier.