Stupid newbie question - exporting my models
u save the file as a .skp file itself.
as for attaching the file here... in the reply screen u have an option to upload attachments. its just below the space where u type in the message. u wont miss it. i am sure. -
one more question...when I save it as an skp file it automatically saves it as .skp.kmz and open it in GE. How do I stop it from doing this?
i was wondering why u would post a .kmz file..
well i have never encountered a problem like this. maybe other experienced users can help.
in the meantime u can export a view of ur cabin model as a jpg image and put it up if u wish. -
well, I got it to save in a skp file but it's too large to load right now. At least it can be viewed on 3D Warehouse!
Thanks for all of your help.
Mary can you post a link to the model on 3d Warehouse so we can take a look?
Hi Mary,
At the very bottom of your model page in the Warehouse there is a bottom called "Link". If you click on it, you can copy the link (this is called "URL") and paste it here.
Selecting all is always a Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut
then copying it is Ctrl+C
finally pasting it here is Ctrl+VThese are handy shortcuts because they work all over in Windows (in your SketchUp application, too).
Here is the link to my model in 3D warehouse. Let me know what you think.. and be kind, it was my first ever
Nice motorbike for a first model!
Well, joking aside; yes, really good start with the cabin. Watch out for a couple of glitches (often made) like when there are two faces on the same plane and they are "fighting" for visibility (AKA "Z-fighting").
Now it's not so apparent as it is "hidden" under the roof but it can be annoying if you don't get used to avoiding it (also I see no reason to paint the roof with a grass material)
I was wondering why it was doing that. Guess that makes sense. Thanks!
You said your model was too large. But the .kmz is just 1mb. Sounds like maybe you need to purge unused components, and materials. Go to Window>Model Info>Statistics>Purge Unused. Then save the file and see if it is a better size.
I actually purged components and materials (now there were a lot of these) when downloaded but it only shrunk it by about 10%.
That motorbike is a killer.