Using Sketchup in Kitchen Design
Hi Eric,
I've viewed your first tutorial and was very impressed with your style of presentation, VERY PROFESSIONAL INDEED
I will view the rest when I have more time to spare. Yes, I agree with you, using the 3D Ware House is a great way of US less organised designers to keep models and collections in order.
Again, well done on the video tuts. I can highly recommend them.
PS: I hope you will now become a regular posted now that you have started so well
Thanks for taking a look!
I've got a few more videos and articles stacked up that I will be releasing in the coming weeks.
But yes, I really should post on here more often, I read the posts enough!
I know (from elsewhere
) that you have a quite firm knowledge of DC's (no wonder probably with your special "field" as they are exceptionally useful there). I may have not been very active in your other topics (myself being almost illiterate at DC's) but believe me that I followed them with great interest.
I could also imagine you sharing a tip or two about them.
Is funny that you mention that, because I just made a bunch of kitchen dynamic components and posted them to the 3d warehouse. I actually have a few tutorials waiting to be posted on them too. I will have those up sonetime next week.
In the meantime, search for "kitchen Dynamic components" on the 3d warehouse. ( if I wasn't on my phone I'd post the link here!)
That's cool,I'll have a look. Thanks
There is the link:
I've even seen an "article" (hm... maybe too short for an article, say "mention") in The Daily CatchUp.
Thanks so much for posting that up!
Really, really appreciate it!
I see these posts started in 2008... its 2012 but I give it a try
I'm using sketchup in kitchen-design on a daily basis, and the thread reveals your knowledge with sketchup...
I'd have a question or two for you, kind regards gerry
Feel free to ask me here, or you can contact me through my website if the question isn't fit for this forum...
Hi Eric,I am just getting into using SU for kitchen designs, and was excited to see this post and some YT videos, only to find out I'm already subscribed to your channel! I need to watch more of your videos, but I have a question for you. I posted in another thread that I'd like to edit the cabinet door in a DC to make it a glass insert, but I don't know how. Also, if I have a collection of cabinets, can I have that door available for all the sizes?
Thanks in advance
Im travelling at the moment, if you can post a link to the other thread, or email me I can help you out a little further....
Sorry Eric, just saw your reply. Here's the other thread.