Right-click causes 'bong' error sound on mac
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Csaba what exactly is your avatar?
I think Gaieus's avatar is a calm spined puffer-fish [blowfish] - or something equally ugly... Better than that ugly horse anyway...
Thanks so much! this totally worked! I feel uneasy when things are not working as they should, so now i can relax -
Good, glad it worked!
First of all, I would like to say that I know absolutely nothing about programming. But I still tried to correct this error
. And my english is not very good. Then ignore possible grammar errors.
I tried to do the walkthrough explained by Chris Fullmer, but couldn't find "UI.beep". When I open the HouseBuilderTool.rb file in a text editor, it appears as the posted image.
If you can give me another tip, my ears would appreciate it!
Where did you get the HouseBuilder RBZ from ?
I guess it's the metric one, as that is obfuscated...
The latest version of it has the wayward
code removed...There are links to the posts where you can download the very latest versions' RBZ files - see this post for those links:
https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=564448#p564448 -
The last time I downloaded, yesterday, was from here:
https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=519210But I've downloaded it so many times that I'm pretty lost ... So I have no idea which of the downloaded files I'm currently using. I believe I also converted rb to RBZ by changing the extension to ZIP. I don't know if this could have caused this "problem" of finding UI.beep.
I will try for this link you indicated!
I accessed the link and downloaded the plugin again.
This time I downloaded the ZIP file instead of RZB. But still the same thing ... With the beep and opening the file RB also can not find the Ui.beep.If you have one more tip, thank you for your help!
Why haven't you downloaded the latest in RBZ format from one of the two links, that were given in the post that I linked to earlier ??
If you try any earlier versions you WILL have problems ! -
I tested both versions, RB and RZB, of this link you are pointing to. Both versions have beep.
I have just retested both versions and there are only 'beeps' when you make an incorrect choice in one of the tools...
Can you explain the exact circumstances under which you hear the 'beeps'...There are NO RB files in the links - just RBZ files.
When you download these RBZ files how are you 'installing' them ??The definitive versions of both units versions of the [old] tool have been linked for almost 5 years !
They work for everyone else, so maybe you have some really old file versions clogging up your system, and therefore you need to delete manually them before attempting a 'good' install... ??? -
This link that you posted in one of the messages above leads us a post there are the following links:
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=556663#p556663I use the metric system ... Clicking on the metric system link, we go to a third post that shows two files:
HouseBuilder_metric_12 [TIG] .zip
HouseBuilder_metric_12 [TIG] .rbzAs I said earlier, I have already tested these two files and both files are beeping. The RBZ file, I install by opening SketchUp 2019> Windows> Extension Manager.
Already the ZIP file, I always unzipped and installed manually, copying and pasting in the plugin folder:\ Users \ ... \ AppData \ Roaming \ SketchUp \ SketchUp 2019 \ SketchUp \ Plugins
The beep happens every time I right click on any object. So, for example, if I want to right-click to create a group / component or work with dynamic components, the beep will sound. Something that does not happen when the plugin is not installed. The beep also happened when I moved the mouse arrow over the Edit button. But it seems that it is no longer happening now. I do not know is because of the installation of another version of the plugin. When I right-click on any name inside the Outliner window the beep sounds too. So, I believe that for everything that the right button has a function, there will be the beep sound.
I use SketchUp 2019 in Portuguese, I don't know if this can interfere with the plugin's operation. And also tested in Portuguese version 2016, but the same thing happens.
Maybe this beep is like that, as you said, "when you make an incorrect choice". And I'm interpreting it as something nonstandard.
Thank you for your help!
I apologize !
I have managed to replicate an odd beep on a right-click selection...
Relating to metric HouseBuilder
I'll look at it again...
Its code is obfuscated, so it's not so easy to see... -
I've updated the metric version's RBZ here: http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=519210#p519210
It is now 'bong' free - I hope !
I've also deleted the ZIP version to avoid confusion... -
Beep never more !!!
Thank you so much!
I uninstall House Builder Plugin and a all good now