Back to 2012 …?!
Farah Fawcett - died;
Michael Jackson - died;
Many Others – died…A.y.c.s., more important than 2012 is our next minute, which, in fact, isn’t ours…!
Are we prepared to die in the near future?!
Keep in mind that we are tripartite (body, soul and spirit) beings, and we have to know the ‘status’ of each our component. Before God, our Creator, we are (i)responsible for all of them (3), and our attitude will mark us for eternity.God commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. (See Acts 17:30-31)
Get ready to face God!
@unknownuser said:
…but I’m not obtuse!
Evidently you gained all these certifications (not as many as I did from the looks of things; I actually was a Major until promoted) without learning enough to actually understand much. Since you're incapable of taking part in a worthwhile discussion I suppose we'll just have to ignore you.
It’s up to you…Evidently you can ignore me, but you cannot pass over and neglect God’s words/will, endlessly!
- "Why not?"
- Because you (having good sense or judgment) desire to be in peace with God, don’t you!
“Do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?
But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. ”
(Romans 2:4-5) -
@juanv.soler said:
Here is a link for an interesting movie talking about the 2012
from México. http://www.creerescrear.com/It was a great joy for me to watch the film. I learn something new everyday.
Currently when I am self-employed I can go in whatever direction I want, but in the same time, I have full responsibility for my actions. It is much less comfortable situation than seating in an office as an employee. I take it as a opportunity to believe in my own ideas that I carry in my heart and to make them happen. It is far more enjoyable to be creative instead of taking what someone else told you to do.
It is significant that many people, despite their different backgrounds, systems of beliefs, start to think similar and head in the same direction, just to mention the author of the film - Santiago Pando, Gregg Braden, Red Elk and David Icke.
For those of you who find religions as the main source of evil in the world, does it necessary force you to reject existence of a spirit? What about your own consciousness? Is it just solely a product of your brain?
There is a lot of things to discover in the world of spirit. Our civilisation is developing rapidly technology-wise and just recently wakes up to realize the power of our imagination, dreams, faith and will.
David Icke:
"'Empirical, replicable research published by ICAR, the International Community for Alien Research, confirms that a hyperdimensional civilization consisting of amphibian reptilian hybrids and Gray cybernetic clones, have reportedly abducted approximately 1 billion out of the current estimated human population of 6,783,421,727 as of May 31, 2009 or approximately 14.7 percent of the present world population. "
Red Elk:
"I have taught 9 who now levitate, 35 who go into the past/future, 7 or more who can become invisible."
Gregg Braden:
"We’ve got powerful video documentation of just how quickly the physical world responds to this language. In one video, we see a woman who is diagnosed with an inoperable, cancerous tumor, in the presence of three practitioners who are trained in this language we’re talking about. Through ultrasound, you see that tumor melt away and literally vanish from the screen."
Good stuff, Tomasz, thanks!
@unknownuser said:
- Because you (having good sense or judgment) desire to be in peace with God, don’t you!
I am already at peace with my existance...and I share that peace with all who find me peacefully.
@unknownuser said:
“Do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?
I am fully aware of this gift I've been given...and have no need to repent for accepting it respectfully.
@unknownuser said:
But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. ”(Romans 2:4-5)
I will stand on this "day of judgment" with a calm heart, as I do every day, knowing I have done the best I can with what I have been given. I have no need to prepare for any day by joining a club whose members must feel unworthy to belong and fear "wrath" as a consequence of living.
Tomasz and Stinkie,
Re. that link to …creerescrear…:Naïve people can be hypnotized (intoxicated) by that mixture of subtile commercials, New Age truncated ideas, mysticism, pseudo-scientism, etc.
presented by those half-illuminists…
Cornel, just out of curiosity, how old is your estimation of our universe?
you pretend that you are an exception (a 'standard' guy), butthe Scripture mentions, for example this :
"There is no one righteous, not even one" (Romans 3:10)
...or that:
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)
or..., or...God's standard is different than ours..., but, through Jesus (only), we can fulfili its 'requirements'!
@unknownuser said:
Cornel, just out of curiosity, how old is your estimation of our universe?
Groan! That should be good for another 4 pages.
humour me.
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
Naïve people can be hypnotized
The same thing can be said about religion.
My thoughts exactly. Believing in alien abduction or in the Rapture ... Pretty much the same thing from where I'm standing.
Also, I see some parallels between paranoid schizophrenia and believing in God. He can see me. Everywhere. All the time.
Pete wrote:
“The same thing can be said about religion.”I have to be a foolish person if I 'use' a religion which cannot be verified, which doesn’t change my life, a religion without hope, without salvation...,etc.
Except one, all religions are dead.
There is only one Living God, who is over all and through all and in all.There is no ‘place’ for extra 'veritable' gods!
@unknownuser said:
David Icke:
Wait a minute! There is something wrong. My estimations are rather in the range of 4-5%.
Just kidding.@unknownuser said:
Red Elk and Gregg Braden
I say that what Gregg has seen can be possible in 100% if one believes. I don't have such a faith.
Regarding Red Elk, I think all these dexterities are possible. I understand the going into past/future as a spiritual trip not in a body. I haven't heard of becoming invisible in other cultures, but probably can be achieved.@unknownuser said:
Good stuff, Tomasz, thanks!
Cornel, have you not learned that Stinkie loves irony.
@unknownuser said:
Naïve people can be hypnotized (intoxicated) by that mixture of subtile commercials, New Age truncated ideas, mysticism, pseudo-scientism, etc. presented by those half-illuminists
Stinkie has presented just some spicy extracts from their thinking. My point is that they are going in one direction. They are saying that at the spiritual level we are all equal, we are all One, brothers and sisters. One was advertising copywriter, one is Native American, one is a scientist and one a television presenter. They all, as you say can be toxic, but everything will become more clear with the time.
You won't bring anyone closer to Our Father if you will stuff people with quotations they are not ready to take to a heart. It looks like you know a recipe, but have never had a baked cake.
@unknownuser said:
Except one, all religions are dead.
Let me guess, the one that initiated the crusades, implemented the inquisition?
@unknownuser said:
I have to be a foolish person if I 'use' a religion which cannot be verified
verified?, you are kidding right?
@unknownuser said:
I haven't heard of becoming invisible in other cultures, but probably can be achieved.
Probably comes in handy when dodging them pesky Reptilians!
I have a suspicion Cornel does not 'do' irony.
High-five, Cornel! C'mon!
Pete, be perplex or not,
I'm not "kidding"!