[Plugin] ComponentReporter++ v1.2
Hi TIG, Thank you very much for the plugin. Is there a way to get all DCs reported within another DC?
I've attached dynamic drawer model as an example. I'd like to get report of nested parts of a drawer.
Thanks again.
If you edit the component-instance the nested instances should become accessible ?
Then your reports will be based of the instances in each nested collection... -
TIG thank you for quick answer. I have named component instances (ie right, left, bottom part etc.) inside dynamic drawer component but still get report of drawers outer dimensions only. I am trying to get report of inner parts of the drawer. Like your ComponentReporter++ cycles through all components and gives report of all components within other component. I would like to get same report of all mined nested DC parts of a DC drawer. Thanks again.
Please help me out TIG. I am banging my head to a wall for months now. How to make your code cycle through nested DCs ant get their LenX, LenY, LenZ, other attributes to csv?
Plaease help, I am stuck.
Doesn't my earlier posts about DCs cover this ?
Edit the object to access the DCs within it ? -
Hello TIG
I have edited your code and it exports all DCs of the model. How to make it export only selected DCs?
I think I have to write ss = model.selection line somewhere. But where should I put it?
Thank you for your help.=begin (c) TIG 2011 Script: TIG-exportDCs2csv.rb Type; TIG.exportDCs2csv in the Ruby Console to run it. Exports all DCs is the model with a Name,LenX,LenY,LenZ,Layer[s]... 'CSV' file - in the model's folder and named after the model thus; ModelName.skp >>> ModelNameDCs.csv If a new model is unsaved the current directory receives the new file. All Layers used in the DC are listed by name and visible ones marked thus >>LayerName<< Edit sep="," if something other than separating comma is desired e.g. ';' Make sep="\t" if a TSV file is desired and change ext="csv" to ext="tsv". It uses the current Model Units. Version; 1.0 20111104 First issue. 1.1 20111221 DCs customized. =end require 'sketchup.rb' ### module TIG unless file_loaded?(__FILE__) UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("TIG.exportDCs2csv2"){TIG.exportDCs2csv2()} end file_loaded(__FILE__) def self.exportDCs2csv2() #Exports everything without selection sep="," ### <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ext="csv" ### <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< model = Sketchup.active_model defs=model.definitions dcs=[] defs.each{|dc| next if not dc.attribute_dictionary("dynamic_attributes") dcs << dc } if not dcs UI.messagebox("No DCs were available.\nExiting.") return nil end#if insts = ss.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance) #insts=[] dcs.each{|dc|insts << dc.instances} insts.flatten! insts.uniq! insts.compact! data=[] insts.each{|inst| defn=inst.definition #name=defn.name.tr(sep,"_") repname=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","repname",0).to_s repmat=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","repmat",0).to_s rept=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","rept",0).to_s repl=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","repl",0).to_s repw=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","repw",0).to_s reppvc=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","reppvc",0).to_s dat=repname+sep+repmat+sep+rept+sep+repl+sep+repw+sep+reppvc data << dat } path=model.path if not path or path=="" path=Dir.pwd title="Untitled" else path=File.dirname(path) title=model.title end#if ofile=File.join(path,title+'DCs.'+ext).tr("\\","/") begin file=File.new(ofile,"w") rescue### trap if open UI.messagebox("File;\n\n "+ofile+"\n\nCannot be written - it's probably already open.\nClose it and try making it again...\n\nExiting...") return nil end data.each{|d|file.puts(d)} file.close puts (data.length.to_s)+" DCs written to\n"+ofile puts 'DONE.' begin UI.openURL("file;/"+ofile) rescue end end#def end#module ###
Edit this part:
model = Sketchup.active_model defs=model.definitions
to limits defs to those selected DC instances
model = Sketchup.active_model #defs=model.definitions ins = model.selection.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance) defs=[] ins.each{|i| next unless i.definition.attribute_dictionary("dynamic_attributes") defs << i.definition } defs.uniq
There's probably a more elegant way to do this, but I'm trying to reuse the old code with minimal editing
Hello TIG
I have changed the piece of code you gave me but now it doesnt get nested childrens DC attributes. Only selected Parents cabinet attributes are reported. My dynamic cabinet has nested dynamic parts which contains DC attributes RepL, RepW and so on. Please help, just one tiny step left.
Here is the code I have now.model = Sketchup.active_model #defs=model.definitions ins = model.selection.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance) defs=[] ins.each{|i| next unless i.definition.attribute_dictionary("dynamic_attributes") defs << i.definition } defs.uniq dcs=[] defs.each{|dc| next if not dc.attribute_dictionary("dynamic_attributes") dcs << dc } if not dcs UI.messagebox("No DCs were available.\nExiting.") return nil end#if insts=[] dcs.each{|dc|insts << dc.instances} insts.flatten! insts.uniq! insts.compact! data=[] insts.each{|inst| defn=inst.definition #name=defn.name.tr(sep,"_") repname=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","repname",0).to_s repmat=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","repmat",0).to_s rept=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","rept",0).to_s repl=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","repl",0).to_s repw=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","repw",0).to_s reppvc=defn.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes","reppvc",0).to_s dat=repname+sep+repmat+sep+rept+sep+repl+sep+repw+sep+reppvc data << dat }
You asked for selected DCs I gave you that !
Now you want any DCs inside the selected DCs ??
That's much more convoluted.You could find all DCs in the definitions that have instances, then reduce that list by testing for those in the selection, OR those that have a DC instance that has a parent that's the definition of one of the nested DC instances...
But as I said it complicated and beyond simple advice at the moment...
Perhaps someone else can chip in while I' very busy on other things... -
Thanks for your help. It just shows how little I understand abaut the task. May I ask for your permission to post this code somewhere else on the internet?
Besides if it isn't too hard I could pay for solving this problem. Please contact me if you interested.
Thanks again for your help.