[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
@affyx said:
Thnk you fredo - you have saved me countless hours! I would like to make a paypal donation to your continued efforts - anyone know how?
Thanks for the recognition.
There is a menu for donation in Tools > Fredo6 Collection, and then for the plugin you prefer (LibFredo6 is not really a plugin, but a shared utility used by several of my scripts).Fredo
super !
fredo, I am a mac user, I tried everything...
I downloaded libfredo6 v3.4b, put in in the MacHD...\plugin, following the instructions, I even read through the forum a suggestion to put it in user\application support...\plugin and still it did not work.
what should I do? -
Hi Fredo, I'm also a Mac user - expanded the "Roundcorner" plugin and the "LibFredo6 - v3.4b" files in the HD/Application Support/Google Sketchup 7/Sketchup/Plugins directory with no luck, even after logging out and back in. Tried it in version 6 and 7. Any suggestions?
@icsthorp said:
Hi Fredo, I'm also a Mac user - expanded the "Roundcorner" plugin and the "LibFredo6 - v3.4b" files in the HD/Application Support/Google Sketchup 7/Sketchup/Plugins directory with no luck, even after logging out and back in. Tried it in version 6 and 7. Any suggestions?
Did you install one of my plugins (like RoundCorner or FredoScale)? LibFredo6 does not do anything useful by itself and does not load until a plugin starts using it.
Is it possible to stretch by assigning a new dimension? i.e. i have an object that is 30 inches high. After selecting the fredo stretch and placing the stretch plane i would like to make the new overall height of my object be 28.5 inches high. Can i type in 1.5inches to get this result?
Also, I noticed that when you are stretching a group of components where there are multiple instances present, the other components are not updating to the new size that is being stretched? Can this be made a toggle or something to 'update all instances of components in model?'
@groomden said:
Is it possible to stretch by assigning a new dimension? i.e. i have an object that is 30 inches high. After selecting the fredo stretch and placing the stretch plane i would like to make the new overall height of my object be 28.5 inches high. Can i type in 1.5inches to get this result?
This is supported. Just move the mouse over the handle corresponding to the stretching direction (you don't even need to click, highlighting is enough). Then press TAB or select "enter new dimension' in the contextual menu. The dialog box shows you the current dimension. You can enter a new one. Note that the dialog box accepts formulas, so you can keep the current number and append -1 1/2'' if you like.
@groomden said:
Also, I noticed that when you are stretching a group of components where there are multiple instances present, the other components are not updating to the new size that is being stretched? Can this be made a toggle or something to 'update all instances of components in model?'
This is intentional, because in most cases you wish to create a new component with different dimensions and may want to keep the original version, but the idea of a toggle is interesting.
I would find the toggle useful because i am designing furniture for cnc production with various components that I need to get out in a flat state. So I have a 3d fully built model but I also have a version with all the components flat on the ground to make it easy to move the geometry into my CNC package.
Thanks for the quick and useful response!
(Are you interested in developing other plugins? I have one that I would like made and am willing to pay for. I don't know if you have seen the SliceForm plugin out there but I would like a version of that with the ability to make slices in a radial direction or to make slices that are perpendicular along a path.)
@groomden said:
I would find the toggle useful because i am designing furniture for cnc production with various components that I need to get out in a flat state. So I have a 3d fully built model but I also have a version with all the components flat on the ground to make it easy to move the geometry into my CNC package.
Thanks for the quick and useful response!
(Are you interested in developing other plugins? I have one that I would like made and am willing to pay for. I don't know if you have seen the SliceForm plugin out there but I would like a version of that with the ability to make slices in a radial direction or to make slices that are perpendicular along a path.)
You can always play with the replacement of components by other components, which is a standard SU capability (in the Component Window).
For slicing, I think there already exists several plugins doing slicing with various features. I don't know what SliceForm does precisely. Anyway, I am busy at the moment with a Loft and Skinning script, but I am sure some script writers could take the challenge.Fredo
ho scaricato la tua libreria, ma non funziona! come faccio, sembra geniale la tua idea
newbie here. this plugin looks great however when i tried to use it my sketchup pro 7 crash and close. is there any way to fix it?
Libfredo is a helper script. Not a procedure plugin as you would see if you were to read previous posts above. You must download some of Fredo6's tools, plugins scripts, such as Fredoscale, or Hoverselect which rely on Libfredo for their functions. Please search the threads for these, and, if you actually did download one of them, and had the trouble you mentioned, then post there. Fredo will try to help you. He is very helpful.
Best regards,
mitcorb -
Great job
This makes a lot easy now
Thank you ferry much
Thank you very much Fredo6!
OK, I downloaded this utility for use with the Rounding tool, but would like to know "what else does it do"? What can I do with this utility? I see a bunch of .rb files in the directory but other than the Settings menu, I don't see anything else.
@mgfranz said:
OK, I downloaded this utility for use with the Rounding tool, but would like to know "what else does it do"? What can I do with this utility? I see a bunch of .rb files in the directory but other than the Settings menu, I don't see anything else.
LibFredo6 is shared between several of my plugins. It provides a lot of basic functions (for instance the button palette management, the translation, and a large part of the interactive tools).
But for the user, it does not do anything by itself, unless used by the real plugins.Fredo
If I put this in Vista 64, will it still work in the Programs (x86) folder?
i finally got round to downloading some of the ruby scripts/plugins to use in sketchup (after it being at least 18 months on mu to do list!) and of course not very wisely i've downloaded too many at once so now i'm trying to locate in the sketchup program menus all of the .rb files that i should of hopefully put in the right location and testing if they are working as they should once i've located them.
Getting to the point i've concluded from these threads that the plugins created by fredo don't work unless the 'libfredo6' file is saved in the right location, which i'm guessing if rubies like 'fredoscale' and 'roundcorner' aren't working, it's because i haven't put the 'libfredo6' file in the right location.
I've tried reading the instructions provided but they are more pc friendly than mac (i use the mac side of my laptop) but i'm finding them a little difficult to understand (hopefully just having a dumb moment!).
Would someone mind looking at the attachment below and point out where i am going wrong in terms of where i have placed the 'libfredo6' file and all related files?
many thanks in advance
@apple85 said:
Would someone mind looking at the attachment below and point out where i am going wrong in terms of where i have placed the 'libfredo6' file and all related files?
many thanks in advanceYour folder LibFredo6 3.4b is the reason for the problem.
Move up what it contains (LIBFREDO6_Dir_34 and LibFredo6.rb) into the Sketchup Plugins directory.Same for JointPushPull and FredoScale, where ytou have encapsulated folders.
@unknownuser said:
@apple85 said:
Would someone mind looking at the attachment below and point out where i am going wrong in terms of where i have placed the 'libfredo6' file and all related files?
many thanks in advanceYour folder LibFredo6 3.4b is the reason for the problem.
Move up what it contains (LIBFREDO6_Dir_34 and LibFredo6.rb) into the Sketchup Plugins directory.Same for JointPushPull and FredoScale, where ytou have encapsulated folders.
just to clarify - the 'LibFredo6 3.4b' file is like the unnecessary "middle man" file to the LIBFREDO6_Dir_34 file and LibFredo6.rb doc? (same sort of theory with the jointpushpull and similar unzipped files?)
thank you for sparing the time to answer my previous post btw