Once upon a time... A Puzzle
@unknownuser said:
Each of the three switches can be either 'ON' or 'OFF'.
You are allowed to set each switch the way you want it and then enter the room. you can only do this once.Your task is to then determine which switch controls which bulb. How can you do it?
Model it in Podium.
@teezer said:
Once upon a time, I got into a session with a couple of programmers who were trying to find a non obvious way to hide information in a binary format. This is one of the things we came up with.
The following sequence is valid under this scheme:
1 = 1
2 = 110
3 = 111
4 = 100
5 = 101
6 = 11010
7 = 11011
8 = 11000
9 = 11001
10 = 11110Can you see why?
Ok, wait, I've solved the first 5 digits. It seems that you have to subtract and then add the relative values of the digits. I'm not a coder, so I might be way off...
2 = 4 - 2 + 0
3 = 4 - 2 + 1
4 = 4 - 0 + 0
5 = 4 - 0 + 1 -
That's why I came up with my own puzzle, Pilou. Anyone wants to give it a try?
@ecuadorian said:
This one is for the Japanese speakers and Japanese language learners in the forum:
What is the next character in the sequence? -
In Cheating
In fact now with Internet it's very difficult to find new problem
Solution is always somewhere@unknownuser said:
From: Doctor Rob
Subject: Negative basesYes, there are negative bases. They aren't used much, but they are
quite interesting. They allow you to represent both positive and
negative numbers with only positive digits. For example, if the base
is -2, then you have the following equalities:
Base 10... Base -2
-11..... 110101
-10..... 1010
-9..... 1011
-8..... 1000
-7..... 1001
-6..... 1110
-5..... 1111
-4 ..... 1100
-3 ..... 1101
-2 ..... 10
-1..... 11
0..... 0
1 ..... 1
2 ..... 110
3 .... 111
4 ... 100
5 ... 101
6 ... 11010
7 ... 11011
8 ... 11000
9 ... 11001
10 ... 11110 -
@ecuadorian said:
That's why I came up with my own puzzle, Pilou. Anyone wants to give it a try?
@ecuadorian said:
This one is for the Japanese speakers and Japanese language learners in the forum:
What is the next character in the sequence?I know nothing about Japanese, but congratulations to you and Pilou for seeing that the sequence was base minus two. Most folks have never heard of negative base numbers.
I had not heard about negative bases either, Tweezer. I just noticed that there was something rhythmic in the alternate subtract-add-subtract-add thing.
Since there seems to be no Japanese language students here, I'll post a (hopefully) less known puzzle:
One morning, Mr. Rich, the richest (and stingiest) man alive, entered a bank in downtown Manhattan. He went directly to the account officer and asked him for a $1 loan. The officer said:
-But Mr. Rich, you have gazillions in our bank. You can withdraw any amount you want.
-No, I want a loan, son. If you don't give it to me, I'll withdraw all my money from this bank and never return!
-Ok, I'll give it to you. You have to sign this paper here, and here.
-Aren't you going to ask me to pawn something?
-Of course not! We've known you for decades, Mr. Rich, we trust you with our lives.
-If you don't allow me to pawn something, son, I'll withdraw all my deposits and all my investments from this bloody bank!
-Fine. What do you want to pawn?
-Perhaps my car. It's right out here.
-Understood. I'll tell the guards to put it inside immediately.
-How much is the interest rate, son?
-It's just a 3% monthly interest rate, Mr. Rich.
-So, if I return this dollar before one month, I have to pay an interest of 3 cents?
-Exactly, Mr. Rich.
-Thank you, son.
And then Mr. Rich left the bank. Now, the question is, why did Mr. Rich do that?
Not sure but that's by far the cheapest parking rate I've ever seen in manhattan.
@unknownuser said:
i'll just go ahead and give the answer.. for ease of explanation, let's label the switches 1, 2, & 3:
- set switch 1 & 2 to the 'ON' position
- wait a minute or two
- turn off switch 2 and enter the room
- the light that is on is controlled by switch 1... the light that is off and warm is switch 2... the light that is off and cold is switch 3
Very nice ... and useful too!
I had the answer to the light bulb question but i've been out the last few days and missed my chance to answer!
A man is found in a remote mountian shack, hung from a 8 ft beam. The shack is empty of all furniture and there is a puddle beanth the dead man.
How did he kill himself?
@tobobo said:
I had the answer to the light bulb question but i've been out the last few days and missed my chance to answer!
A man is found in a remote mountian shack, hung from a 8 ft beam. The shack is empty of all furniture and there is a puddle beanth the dead man.
How did he kill himself?
Stood on a block of ice?
@tobobo said:
I had the answer to the light bulb question but i've been out the last few days and missed my chance to answer!
A man is found in a remote mountian shack, hung from a 8 ft beam. The shack is empty of all furniture and there is a puddle beanth the dead man.
How did he kill himself?
It was wintertime.
He had a good fire lit in the shack.
He brought in a block of ice [or compacted snow] from outside.
He stood on the block and attached the noose to the high beam and put it around his neck.
He stepped off the block and hanged himself.
The ice/snow melted in the warmth of the room.
Had you turned up a little later then all of the water would have melted and there would have been no immediate explanation...
Had it been the summertime he couldn't have done it... -
Like the crime murder with an iced cone!
Nobody find the Sheep enigma?
Nope. Could you re-phrase it? I'm not sure to understand it.
@unknownuser said:
Could you re-phrase it?
No need, it's the exact sentence problem!
You will be agree with me when solution will be found -
A funny
Today sheep start from farm 6 O'clock morning to the high mountain pasture
There is only one way!
Tomorrow sheep start from high mountain pasture 6 O'clock morning to the farmQuestion : Tomorrow does sheep will be at the same hour and at the same place on the way than today?
@unknownuser said:
No need, it's the exact sentence problem!
You will be agree with me when solution will be foundlike miguel, i feel like i'm not getting the gist of the question..
@unknownuser said:
A funny
Today sheep start from farm 6 O'clock morning to the high mountain pasture
There is only one way!
Tomorrow sheep start from high mountain pasture 6 O'clock morning to the farmQuestion : Tomorrow does sheep will be at the same hour and at the same place on the way than today?
at first, i thought it involved 3 consecutive days.. today, tomorrow, and the following day.. if i read it exactly, it only involves today and tomorrow.. in that case, i answer no -- they won't be at the same place at the same time tomorrow because at 6am today, they are at the farm.. at 6am tomorrow, they're on top of the hill..
i can also assume you're asking if they will cross a certain point at a certain time in both directions.. as in - will they cross the midpoint at say 7am regardless of which direction they're heading..
combined with the first thing you wrote "A funny", i'm not quite sure if this is a joke or an actual logic question..
so yeah, i'm pretty confused here -
You must read "literally" word to word
And funny = so simple (not a joke)
SuspenseTell me when you want the solution
@unknownuser said:
Tell me when you want the solution
not yet.. i still haven't completely given up
Ok mind torture is finished you have quasi find
I don't said the same day
You can also take your index fingers left and right and move it on the way from farm to mountain, when they cross it they will be at the same place and at the same hour