The Obama Deception - Number #1 in Google Video
.... if anyone wants to understand how the Power 'Virtual' Money People have created a nice cosy business they should check out the video Tomasz has posted here,
It will be 45 minutes well spent. Oh! I took a still from the video, 'BOB the Puppet' in action
PS: Paul, I'm sure you will find this factual!
Ok so let's say you are a multi-billionare...hey it could happen....anyway what in the heck are you going to do with that money...i mean think about it if you personally are in control of a billion dollars are you going to walk down to joe's bank on the corner and go to the teller and open a checking account...are you going to give that money to joe the financial guru and trust him to give you good advice...or are you going to create your own bank and do your best to insulate yourself from the poor schleps who only have hundreds of millions of dollars. So the notion that a group of multi-billionaires have banded together to formulate a plan to maintain their wealth is not far fetched.
@mike lucey said:
It will be 45 minutes well spent.
I think you mean borrowed...since we are slaves and we don't have any time of our own to spend we have to ask our masters for the time and they will loan it to us with interest and penalties.
If you ever get the chance to attend a talk by Ian R. Crane, a former oil executive, it is well worth it. He backs up all his beliefs with good evidence that is hard to disregard. He is also quite positive too, so you don't feel really paranoid afterwards.
People that are losing their jobs and becoming homeless and hopeless are also finding God at these times, so I guess it comes down to your choice of what 'truth' to believe.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Beck supports the war in Iraq.
So did I. Until I didn't. People change.
Wasn't my point. Concentrate on Beck's rhetorics.
Coen wrote:
@unknownuser said:
Pete, what's happened to you? Your views seem to have made a U-turn. Did the Secret Service pay you a visit?
No u-turns here, I found some points that are really interesting, some that I could possiby entertain as facts and some that are just too over the top to even consider.
I just think that they tried to hard to find to many things that the message gets lost to the rediculous.
Sure there are corrupt bankers, politicians, law officials, etc, etc, thats the way the world rolls.
But to the extent they are saying is just too much that it becomes unbelievable.
We are living in the most transparent time in history, with technology on the peoples side we open up new avenues for propoganda and misinformation, on both sides.I will take these days over our feudal and monarchy controlled past anyday.
LOL at 1:58 you get the South African putting in his 2c.
What can I say?, if the internet was around in 1381, Tylers rebellion would have actually worked.
Like I said, there are consipracies and there are wild conspiracies, I remember back in my Uni days I too was involved in shadow organisations that wanted a soapbox, we never had the internet to get our word out as it's today possible, does not mean that our 'truths' or our convictions were any less than todays.
Maybe they can gather more support and more solid facts and who knows maybe the 'truth' will set us free....until the next theory that is. -
Heres my current theory: People dont really like the idea that no one really knows whats causing the current trouble so they look for a scape goat of sorts.
Pete, i too get quite frustrated that all the potentially interesting stuff gets drowned in a wave of conspiracy rubbish.
@remus said:
Pete, i too get quite frustrated that all the potentially interesting stuff gets drowned in a wave of conspiracy rubbish.
what exactly is the 'conspiracy rubbish' you and pete are talking about?
Jeff I can answer you with one of your own replies:
@unknownuser said:
who cares.. we have so much drugs, alcohol, and TV combined with an awful education system that we're way too dumb & numb to give a shit..
that reply had an actual meaning wrapped in a joke package.. does it need further explanation?
Jeff, I did and still do understand the jest it was intended for, I just thought it came in pretty handy here too.
The thing about conspiracy theories is they are based loosely on facts, taking in sound bites, misinformation, titbits of this and that and formulated to construct a picture.
Take for instance the original posting, it has so many bits and pieces of info that get thrown out yet what is the overall conclusion?
Are we to all join the tin-foil wearing army and constantly be looking over our shoulder and scrutinising every word from every politician, never trusting anyone with more money than we have, hiding our money in our mattresses, never conforming to any law?If you honestly believe in the cause and want to right these injustices then focus!, find the most important issue, one that will incite the masses, one that will ensure you get the support, then get the facts, as without cold hard facts it will never get lift. Now that you have the absolute facts on one issue,get it out, get support and get it corrected, once you have done that you will have a little thing that will make the rest of your agenda more believable, it's called credibility. Without credibility you are seen as a lunatic with a bullhorn inciting chaos.
So start with the Federal reserve, this is the right time for it, we are in a credit crunch and they can be the scape goats, as there I must agree, they are only federal by name and run by corporate criminals, expose that and only that, then move on to the wild ones like 'New world order'.
Like our current financial mess we are in, how does one fix it? who knows, but I can say you start with the banks, as if lending does not continue soon then none of the other schemes can ever work.
@solo said:
Like our current financial mess we are in, how does one fix it? who knows, but I can say you start with the banks, as if lending does not continue soon then none of the other schemes can ever work.
Yep Pete you are right and Remus also. As I admitted on an other thread, I had no idea how the Monetary System actually worked until I went through the trouble of watching the two links on Tomasz's post, MONEY =DEBT! The 'penny has dropped' for me now (excuse the bad pun
From what I can see / understand, the current system is reaching its 'natural' end. Most man derived systems have a beginning and an end. It appears so because they are built on bad foundations and the current Monetary System most definitely falls into this category.
I agree with you Pete, that shouting at the Power Money guys through bull horns is not going to achieve much except maybe some question asking. This was the case with me and I am thankful it did.
I did a little research on what is being offered as an alternative system and spent most of the day checking out the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project I also watched a very informative video which explained the Resource Based Economy, which looks to be a possible alternative the our current failing Monetary System. Now before anyone starts calling these 'crack pot' systems, first tell me that the current system we have is not crack pot.
The points that struck me were,
Government as we know it would become irrelevant. They would ONLY be service providers NOT decision makers. All decisions would be made by computers based on the input of the Worldwide population. Hey! its not that incredible. I am having a discussion with you in Texas and the UK .... 5000 and 500 miles or so away! And we could be doing it in realtime. Hey the heck should we elect politicians based on there promises then let them loose to do exactly what they and the Power Money People want for periods of 4 - 5 years with little or no further input?
The Resource Based System would be based on technology, sustainability and equilibrium with the planet. What attracted me was that there would be no need for Bankers, Advertising Agencies (so no TV ad breaks, has to be a good move) and no Lawers, well very few of them, this also has be a good thing
There would be NO MONEY. Everything a person needs would be manufactured by automated machinery and supplied on demand. I imagine choice would be limited BUT again I think over choice is a huge problem these days. Heck, everyone would have an Apple Mac
I can remember when there was limited choice in products and I feel I had more time to enjoy the important things in life instead of wondering if I had made the right choice. I recently was looking at a selection of flat screen TVs. There were rows and rows of them to choose from, all offering much the same quality, possibly even having the same guts.
Only 5% of the population would actually have to be involved in the manufacturing supevising processes. I imagine these roles would have to be shared by all, possibly a weeks work eaach per year. Hey, this is sounding better by the minute
There would be very little crime as there would be no need to steal. So no huge police force or jails. Most crime is money driven except for acts of jealousy, mental problems and such. In these cases help and re education would be given.
There would be no need for religion as we know it, only philosophical debate to reach agreement. I suppose it could be argued that this deal sounds like the Garden of Eden, so in a way it could be regarded as regilious from a Jewish / Christian stance.
Okay, it know some may say this sounds like communism and I suppose in a way it is BUT its a nice sort of communism ...... I think!
Please check out the videos, they are probably more thought provoking than much of the garbage on TV. I would like to hear your thoughts.
Pete said
@unknownuser said:The thing about conspiracy theories is they are based loosely on facts, taking in sound bites, misinformation, titbits of this and that and formulated to construct a picture
Evolution was effectively labelled a conspiracy theory by the christian church who thought it was a ploy to undermine them.
However religion is the conspiracy theory that hides the truth about evolution.
OMG. David Icke, the guy who thinks that most world leaders are alien shape-shifting lizards?
Soundbites, that's all it is, some creative editing, all that you need is some Pink Floyd music, a guy shaving his eye brows to complete it.
all together now..."tear down the wall"
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
I'm not getting into any debate here, nor will say that you need to view this movie or that it is this or that. Do as you please.
I agree with Coen on this,
all I will do is quote from a man far cleverer than us:
"Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of Ignorance"
Albert Einstien
(I bet he would have solved the shadow bug by now