The Obama Deception - Number #1 in Google Video
Mike your link takes me to point where it says that i am not authorised to read that forum...conspiracy theory at work
@unknownuser said:
So! would it be fair to assume that only when we see BOB being shot will we realise that he was THEN doing as he had promised?
I've been thinking this for some time. Bush rigged the voting once, why would they just let Obama in?
IMO when you bundle real facts and real concerns with a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing melodrama you deminish the impact and render them pathetic.
The above does have a few really valid points yet they are lost in the anthology of crap that surrounds them.
I'm still in the dark, nothing sounds very convincing, some are exagerating some underplaying and nobody is saying the truth, interesting times indeed...hmm maybe were're in the Matrix and this darn crysis is just a bug, this makes as much sense as anything.
@sepo said:
Mike your link takes me to point where it says that i am not authorised to read that forum...conspiracy theory at work
I meant to put a link to the WiKi on Bilderburg Group
When I posted the link I must have been like in the attached pic
Obtained from one of the TED Talks. They are well worth a couple of hours viewing / listening each week.
Nice quote I read recently
"I'll call myself a conspiracy theorist if you call yourself a coincidence theorist"
Wake up everyone - 'The Few Are Manipulating The Many' through their puppet leaders and events worldwide.
Do the research
I was very skeptical until I started looking more deeply into these matters. I will admit I find a lot of it unsubstantiated but if one delves deeper it opens many questions.
I do believe that there are a group / groups of multi billionaires that have more money than good sense in the World and I think that they are manipulating World affairs via the Banking system which THEY control.
I imagine they have achieved a level of personal security via their accumulated wealth and the only thing that interests them is power. I would like to think that these Power Money people do not all have evil intentions in mind BUT as they say "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it".
.... if anyone wants to understand how the Power 'Virtual' Money People have created a nice cosy business they should check out the video Tomasz has posted here,
It will be 45 minutes well spent. Oh! I took a still from the video, 'BOB the Puppet' in action
PS: Paul, I'm sure you will find this factual!
Ok so let's say you are a multi-billionare...hey it could happen....anyway what in the heck are you going to do with that money...i mean think about it if you personally are in control of a billion dollars are you going to walk down to joe's bank on the corner and go to the teller and open a checking account...are you going to give that money to joe the financial guru and trust him to give you good advice...or are you going to create your own bank and do your best to insulate yourself from the poor schleps who only have hundreds of millions of dollars. So the notion that a group of multi-billionaires have banded together to formulate a plan to maintain their wealth is not far fetched.
@mike lucey said:
It will be 45 minutes well spent.
I think you mean borrowed...since we are slaves and we don't have any time of our own to spend we have to ask our masters for the time and they will loan it to us with interest and penalties.
If you ever get the chance to attend a talk by Ian R. Crane, a former oil executive, it is well worth it. He backs up all his beliefs with good evidence that is hard to disregard. He is also quite positive too, so you don't feel really paranoid afterwards.
People that are losing their jobs and becoming homeless and hopeless are also finding God at these times, so I guess it comes down to your choice of what 'truth' to believe.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Beck supports the war in Iraq.
So did I. Until I didn't. People change.
Wasn't my point. Concentrate on Beck's rhetorics.
Coen wrote:
@unknownuser said:
Pete, what's happened to you? Your views seem to have made a U-turn. Did the Secret Service pay you a visit?
No u-turns here, I found some points that are really interesting, some that I could possiby entertain as facts and some that are just too over the top to even consider.
I just think that they tried to hard to find to many things that the message gets lost to the rediculous.
Sure there are corrupt bankers, politicians, law officials, etc, etc, thats the way the world rolls.
But to the extent they are saying is just too much that it becomes unbelievable.
We are living in the most transparent time in history, with technology on the peoples side we open up new avenues for propoganda and misinformation, on both sides.I will take these days over our feudal and monarchy controlled past anyday.
LOL at 1:58 you get the South African putting in his 2c.
What can I say?, if the internet was around in 1381, Tylers rebellion would have actually worked.
Like I said, there are consipracies and there are wild conspiracies, I remember back in my Uni days I too was involved in shadow organisations that wanted a soapbox, we never had the internet to get our word out as it's today possible, does not mean that our 'truths' or our convictions were any less than todays.
Maybe they can gather more support and more solid facts and who knows maybe the 'truth' will set us free....until the next theory that is. -
Heres my current theory: People dont really like the idea that no one really knows whats causing the current trouble so they look for a scape goat of sorts.
Pete, i too get quite frustrated that all the potentially interesting stuff gets drowned in a wave of conspiracy rubbish.
@remus said:
Pete, i too get quite frustrated that all the potentially interesting stuff gets drowned in a wave of conspiracy rubbish.
what exactly is the 'conspiracy rubbish' you and pete are talking about?
Jeff I can answer you with one of your own replies:
@unknownuser said:
who cares.. we have so much drugs, alcohol, and TV combined with an awful education system that we're way too dumb & numb to give a shit..
that reply had an actual meaning wrapped in a joke package.. does it need further explanation?