Scale group of objects
I have group of trees with various height and width and I need to make them smaller about 30%. Does anybody know, how to scale group of object but not change xy position of each of them? (I guess it should not be difficult, but I cannot find it anywhere.)Thanks
Are all of them instances of the same component?
If that's the case, simply open one, scale it and voilá!
You must scale two times, the height (blue direction) by grabbing and stretching the scale handle in the center of the top "face" (and typing 0,7 in VCB), then the other two dimensions (red and green) by grabbing and moving the corner handle at the centre of one of the four corner scale edges, holding down CTRL (and typing 0,7;0,7 in the VCB).
I cant explain myself very well but I hope you could have understood. -
Yes, thanks! That´s just it. There are only a few types of components. I don´t know why I didn´t find this way myself.!
Thanks again.
@unknownuser said:
I cant explain myself very well but I hope you could have understood.
Can you put an image? (or a file before, after)
Because seems positions X, Y will be change with your metod -
Coulter already found it, but I thought I'd put a link here for anyone else interested. I have a pretty basic plugin found here:
which does this. It scales either uniformly or randomly within a specified min/max tolarnce. And the user specifies if the scale should happen from the center of the component, the compnent axis or the world [0,0,0] center. I'm also working on a "component base" option which will be the center of the bottom of the component (for people who do not accurately set the axis of their compnents).